Bee a Hive Detective
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Basic Terminology Frames- Deeps, Mediums, Shorts Cells- Worker, Drone, Queen cup, Queen, Hive Activities- Swarms, Supersedure, Abscond, usurpation Types of Queen Cells- Swarm, Supersedure, expended, killed
Brood Frame
Brood Frame
Identify the Parts
Honey Frame
Honey Frame
Fairly Populated
Good Looking Frame
Poor Numbers frame
Healthy Brood Pattern
Another Healthy Pattern
Ok But Not Great
Poor Brood Pattern
Queen Cup
Queen Cups Swarm Pos.
Queen Cup Being Tended
Queen Larva
Finished Queen Cells
Swarm Cells
Supersedure Cells
Expended Queen Cells
Which Hive is Queenless
Drone Cells From a Laying Worker
Evidence of Laying Worker
Trying to Supersede With a Laying Worker