Pre-Algebra Q3W8: Square and Cube Roots


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Presentation transcript:

Pre-Algebra Q3W8: Square and Cube Roots Objective: I can evaluate square roots of small perfect squares and cube roots of small perfect cubes.

Square Root Practice Solve for “x” x2 = 36 x2 = 49 x2 = 9 x2 = 4/9 x2 = 9/25 x =

Square Root Review Square roots always have two solutions, the negative and the positive solution: Example:

Square Root Practice Solve for “x” x2 = 28 x2 = 85 x =

Square Roots

Square Roots

Square Roots

The difference between “square” and “cube” A “square” is two dimensional, a “cube” is three-dimensional. 33 = 27 32 = 9

Cubes and Cube Roots

Cubes and Cube Roots

Fill in the Cube Chart

Cubes and Cubed Roots Let’s Practice

Cube Roots Let’s practice APPROXIMATING cube roots:

Approximating Cubes

Game Time The cards are your “base.” The die is your “exponent.” Roll die, highest number goes first. Turn over the top card and roll the die. Calculate the value and write it on your sheet. Play 6 rounds, highest total wins. Ace = 1 Jack = 11 Queen = 12 King = 13 All the rest of the cards are face value.

Rational Approximations Your turn!