CREATIVE WRITING FACTS Facts are things that are 100% true, everyone you ask will have the same answer. We use facts when we teach new things. FACT: Today the temperature is 21˚C OPINION: Today is hot. Facts can also help people make a decision, because you need all the information to make a proper decision.
CREATIVE WRITING FACTUAL WRITING Today you are going to write about your favourite pastime. No opinions. Tell us what you like to do in your free time. Teach us about it. Tell us what it is, why you do it, how you do it, etc. But do not tell us if it’s fun or not, whether it’s easy or hard.
FACTUAL WRITING — DATES & TIMES CREATIVE WRITING FACTUAL WRITING — DATES & TIMES When you include dates/times, we can do that in many different ways: The bigger the time use “in”, the smaller the time use “at”. IN (year, month, season) In 1990, In the 1980s, In March, In the summer, ON (day, date, holiday) On Monday, On March 21, On the 21st, On Christmas Day, AT (time, part of day) At 9:30AM, At lunch(time), At night * In the morning/ afternoon/evening
FACTUAL WRITING — PLACES AT (GENERAL SPACE or SPECIFIC POINT) CREATIVE WRITING FACTUAL WRITING — PLACES When writing about places, you have to be careful of prepositions. IN (FIXED SPACE) In bed… In class… In the car… In Taipei… In Taiwan… In the swimming pool… ON (SURFACE) On the beach… On the desk… On the river… On television… On the ground/floor… *On the plane/bus… AT (GENERAL SPACE or SPECIFIC POINT) At home… At school… At the hotel… At the park… At the door…
CREATIVE WRITING FACTUAL WRITING INTRODUCTION: What are you writing about? 1ST BODY: Important information (history, things you need to do it, etc.) 2nd BODY: How do you do it? Give instructions to new people. 3rd BODY: When do you do it? Where do you do it? Any advice? CONCLUSION: What did you write about? Introduction: I’m writing about (pastime). I will tell you about (pastime), how to (do it), and advice on how to do it well. Conclusion: That is (pastime). I hope you enjoyed reading about it.