Research Paper with Strong Body Paragraphs Using evidence to prove assertions Review what students did in small groups about reading and marking sources. Ask them to share/ask questions etc. about “use” of sources.
Use your evidence/support; don’t let it use you! Topic sentence to thesis importance Pulling support as needed per paragraph (Support doesn’t dictate the paragraph ; instead, it enhances the paragraph's ability to support a claim.) Need for balance of commentary verses support. (Not a rule, but a guideline is for every point made w research you should have two parts of commentary to make that evidence work inside your argument.) Class activity from last class showed confusion here. SO, o through each point on this slide.
Choose One body paragraph to write Let’s get it right: format, content, citation
Directions for your Body Paragraph Assignment…Total of 4 Roman Numerals Type in this order: I. Research Essay Thesis You already have this on the outline; just type it here. II. Write the main question (s) you intend to answer in this particular body paragraph. Caution-Don’t just restate the thesis. You are proving an aspect of the thesis. This is NOT your topic sentence. This helps you write a quality topic sentence. Look at your outline and think backwards if necessary.
(Continued) III. Write the actual paragraph. A. Underline the topic sentence. B. Use at least 2 sources. C. Use at least 1 direct quote. D. Use at least 1 summary or paraphrase. IV. Type a works cited page for the paragraph. You already have these entries on your working bibliography. (Not all sources; just the ones used in THIS paragraph.)