8/18/17 TGIF! Please put your homework sheet in the basket on the back shelf & grab a divider. Head to goformative, have a piece of paper labeled “Square and Cube Roots Quiz 8.18.17” We will begin in just a moment. Use the first five minutes to go over your notes from this week. If you have headphones, you may need them today. I will be working in the office today. Please be on your best behavior for the substitute. Work hard for the next 90 minutes!
Turn in quiz to 2nd block basket on back shelf. Go to my website and open today’s powerpoint. Use your headphones to listen to the video (if you did not bring headphones, use the close captioning). Take notes over the videos and Copy the examples in the Powerpoint.
Part One: Solve by Squaring or Cubing addition and subtraction multiplication and division Just as these are opposites, so are squaring and square root cube and cube root
So, if given the following equation: Ex 1: Part One: Inverse Operations So, if given the following equation: 𝑥 =5 The opposite operation of taking a square root, would be to square the numbers.
The same is true if given a cube root, Ex 2: Part One: Inverse Operations The same is true if given a cube root, 3 𝑥 =5 The opposite operation of taking a cube root, would be to cube the numbers. THINK: When I take the cube root of a number, I get 5. So what number has a cube root of 5? Yep, 125! So x must be 125.
Part Two: Solve by Taking the Square Root Hold CTRL & click the link to watch the movie https://safeshare.tv/x/WHv7Zy1vgEg
Ex 3: 𝑥 2 =16 Part Two: Solve by Taking the Square Root Some number times itself equals 16. The opposite of squaring a number is taking the square root: 𝑥 2 = 16 x = ±4
Part Three: Solve by Taking the Cube Root Hold CTRL & click the link to watch the movie https://safeshare.tv/x/UUAA7dqJDwo
Ex 4: 𝑦 3 =64 Could the answer also be -4? Part Three: Solve by Taking the Cube Root 𝑦 3 =64 Some number cubed (multiplied by itself 3 times) equals 64. The opposite of cubing a number is taking the cube root: 3 𝑦 3 = 3 64 y = 4 Could the answer also be -4?
Ex 4 continued: 𝑦 3 =64 Could the answer also be -4? no 3 𝑦 3 = 3 64 3 𝑦 3 = 3 64 Check: 4×4×4=64 −4×−4×−4=−64
Some number multiplied by itself three times is -8. Ex 5: Part Three: Solve by Taking the Cube Root 𝑤 3 =−8 Some number multiplied by itself three times is -8. 3 𝑤 3 = 3 −8 𝑤=−2 Check: −2×−2×−2=−8
Practice Set A: 1. 𝑤 3 =−27 2. 𝑥 2 =121 3. 𝑦 2 =−4 Try these in your notebook. Write the problem, show the operation, and circle your final answer. 1. 𝑤 3 =−27 2. 𝑥 2 =121 3. 𝑦 2 =−4
Solutions for Practice Set A: Try these in your notebook. Write the problem, show the operation, and circle your final answer. 1. 𝑤 3 =−27 2. 𝑥 2 =121 3. 𝑦 2 =−4
Practice Set B: 4. 3 𝑥 =−2 5. 5= 𝑦 6. 𝑧 =15 Try these in your notebook. Write the problem, show the operation, and circle your final answer. 4. 3 𝑥 =−2 5. 5= 𝑦 6. 𝑧 =15
Solutions for Practice Set B: Try these in your notebook. Write the problem, show the operation, and circle your final answer. 4. 3 𝑥 =−2 5. 5= 𝑦 6. 𝑧 =15
Play the following games until everyone at your table is finished taking notes and doing practice from this video. https://www.khanacademy.org/math/cc-eighth-grade-math/cc-8th-numbers-operations/cc-8th-roots/e/equations-w-square-and-cube-roots https://www.ixl.com/math/grade-8/positive-and-negative-square-roots https://www.mathgames.com/skill/8.18-cube-roots-of-perfect-cubes
I Have/Who Has Deal the cards so that everyone at the table as an equal (or almost equal) amount. Begin with the START card-have “WHO HAS…” Lay your card on the table, and make a chain of the next in line until all cards are displayed. Raise your hand when you think you have everything in the right order to be checked.
Resources Video/Game http://stricklerwms.weebly.com/8ee2-square-and-cube-root-solutions.html