Melissa Mulcahy & Pieter Werner The Space Race Melissa Mulcahy & Pieter Werner
How did the successful launch of the Soviet Sputnik impact the United States?
About the Race Result of Nuclear Arms Race (ICBMs) 1957-1975 Soviet Russia v. United States Soviets: wanted control of space to easily bomb the USA. USA: spy satellite to warn the homeland of Soviet actions. USA was afraid of being bombed by the Soviets, who were making nuclear weapons.
Sputnik I Launch October 4, 1957 Sputnik I orbited the Earth every 96.1 minutes. Surprised Americans; rose fear. Incinerated upon reentering the atmosphere January 3rd, 1958.
Space Program (NASA) Education Politics (“Missile Gap”) Social Impact Overview Space Program (NASA) Education Politics (“Missile Gap”) Social
Space Program Vega Project Explorer; January 31, 1958 NASA; October 1, 1958 Wasteful tax dollars? May, 1961: Kennedy announced goal to land Americans on the moon. James Van Allen, designer of Explorer. Technological Self-esteem Most americans either approved or did not object.
Explorer Circled Earth on January 31, 1958 Produced a scientific surprise that was important for later piloted spaceflights Boosted the United States’s technological self-esteem Contribution to the understanding of outer space and the establishment of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
NASA On October 1, 1958, NASA began operation Vega Project (Explorers) President John F. Kennedy announced a program to land Americans on the moon Ranger, Surveyor, Prospector, Apollo Mariner 2 ---USA launch to Venus, finally ahead of Soviets. July 1969 --- USA first to put a man on the moon.
Drastic education revolution toward mathematics and science
Before "spoon-fed" too easy music and art 1995, Progressive Education Association closed. life-adjustment education
After higher academic standards, especially in mathematics and science. National Defense Education Act of 1958. $887 Million federal funds based on fundemental ideas, scientific inquiry, mathematic problem-solving. National Academy of Sciences (NAS) National Academy of Engineering (NAE) American Mathematical Society (AMS)
Political Impact Politics was seldom scathed by the Sputnik launch; however, the illusion of the "Missile Gap" was the heat of debate in the 1960 presidential election. Soviets surpassed US technology Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev attempted to inflame American feelings of inferiority.
The Missile Gap Defficency in production of missiles as compared to the Soviets. Led Americans to believe that Soviets were far ahead of the US. Center of Kennedy's campaign. led to Cuban Missile Crisis
1960 Presidential Election Large impacts Kennedy used it to help his campagin danger of US inferiority 47% of Americans believed in the false "Missile Gap", affected their votes clear reason why he won against Nixon
Social Impacts Americans developed a new awareness social awareness of civil rights Increased its attention to civil rights, poverty, and an escalating war in Vietnam Era of protest that education did not escape Created fear bomb shelters built peopled worried whether USSR would attack US/launch missle from space schools did bomb-attack drills
Bibliography Bybee, Rodger. "The Sputnik Era: Why is this Educational Reform Different from All Other Reforms?." Reflecting on Sputnik (1997): n. pag. Web. 4 Jun 2010. <>. Dick, Steven. "Assessing the impact of space on society ." n. pag. Web. 4 Jun 2010. <>. "Early NASA Era." JPL Timeline. n. pag. Web. 9 Jun 2010. <>. Hutchinson,Daniel."MissileGap."Sharpe.Web. < article360>. "National Defense Education Act of 1958." eNotes. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Jun 2010. < education-act>. Smith, Rodger. "United States Launches Its First Orbiting Satellite." Salem Press. Web. <>.