Hardware and Software for Detector Projects Kevin Jamison Quinn Bracelen Shih-Chieh Hsu June 18th, 2013
Hardware and Software for Detector Projects Lab Setup We want to have 4 computers in the lab 2 Linux machines running SLC6 for SEABAS One for SEABAS and FEI4B One for USBPIX and FEI4B 2 Windows machines One for USBPIX and ST_CONTROL for FEI3 One for USBPIX and ST_CONTROL for FEI4B Hardware and Software for Detector Projects 6/18/13
Hardware and Software for Detector Projects Windows Setup We will now do the “medium mode” install for ST_Control and compile our own binaries. We need to install: Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Nokia Qt 4.6.3 and QTW 5.2.1 (qt widgets) ROOT 5.26/00 Hardware and Software for Detector Projects 6/18/13
Hardware and Software for Detector Projects Linux Advantages: Allows greater access to root-level adjustments of task management and operating system functionality (Allows us to prioritize the testing program versus secondary/unnecessary tasks, so testing goes faster) Primary OS in most research faculties as a result of the above mentioned Hardware and Software for Detector Projects 6/18/13
Specific Linux Version 64-bit Scientific Linux Install TDAQ and IBLDAQ-0-0-0 Most of CERN staff use SLC5, though it is possible to use SLC6, SLC5 is recommended. We will use SLC6 as CERN will soon be using it as well. Nomenclature: S-L-C-#: Scientific Linux CERN, Version # Hardware and Software for Detector Projects 6/18/13
Minimum PC Requirments Memory: Minimum 1024 MB (system will run with less but performance may be affected) Processor: i686 / x86_64 with PAE support Disk space: 6 GB (including 1 GB user data) for default setup ( 1 GB for minimal setup) Hardware and Software for Detector Projects 6/18/13
Linux@CERN Recommended Hardware Three models with out-of-box readiness: TTL TeknoPro Dell Optiplex 7010 HP 8300 Elite HP Compaq DC 8200 Elite Further Information Required: Budget constraints Forwards capability likely to be needed (?) PACS PC request system. Will we simply be taking what they have in stock, or will we get to choose a new PC? Hardware and Software for Detector Projects 6/18/13
Hardware and Software for Detector Projects Resources Installation Instructions/Hardware Basics: https://sharepoint.washington.edu/phys/wiki/tev-cluster/Pages/Hardware/SEABAS.aspx SLC6: http://linux.web.cern.ch/linux/scientific6/ Installation: http://linux.web.cern.ch/linux/scientific6/docs/install.shtml Linux@CERN recommended hardware: http://linux.web.cern.ch/linux/scientific6/hardware/desktops.shtml Hardware and Software for Detector Projects 6/18/13