Character Analysis - Delio Friend and Courtier
Character Purpose Opens and closes play Friend and confidant to Antonio Medium for audience “Human” figure of man
The Friend Represents loyalty; Ant. says “noble friend, my most beloved Delio” “I will make myself petitioner for some part of your land to know whether it is flying” Gives Ant. advice “I misdoubt it for though you’ve sent their letters of safe conduct, they appear but nets to entrap you” “take time for’t: be mindful of thy safety” –Del. Confidant “Let me seal your lips forever” – Ant.
The Friend Comforter and supporter “I’ll second you in all danger; and however, My life rank with yours” -Del Caring – for Ant and Duchess Blood and Worth: Unprejudiced about status “Speak to her all happy comfort” “How fares it the Duchess?”,
Realistic Figure Example of a “typical” man Has faults as well as good attributes “I would wish you at such time, as you are non-resident with your husband, my mistress” Doesn’t change throughout the play – steadfast male
Medium Allows audience to understand other characters (Antonio) Reminder of Antonio’s presence in scenes without him Act 3 Scene 3; with Cardinal and Ferdinand. Delio acts in as Ant.’s spy, “I cannot think they mean well to your life” [to Ant.]
Language Poetic – rep. of status Filled with imagery of nature and animals “Then the law to him is like a foul black cobweb to a spider” ... Than should one fall in a frost... Leave his print in snow as soon as the sun shines” “Nature doth nothing so great as great men, as when she’s pleased to make them lords of truth” – final speech
Themes Trust and misplaced trust Character in DOM to trust (except with Julia?) Conflict and tension between blood and worth A worthy man himself as he picks out danger and tension of those in conflict Unprejudiced with status