Achieving Results by Performing More Effective Street Management OVERVIEW The Postal Service is entering into a new era and in doing so needs to better utilize its resources, that is why we are addressing Street Management here today. This overview is part of a set of Street Management training materials which consist of this Overview, and 3 additional training sections for the field delivery managers. These are: Supervision, Address Quality Improvement Process (AQIP), and Review & Documentation. This overview will cover some of the reasons current Street Management is not working, and the how and what we can do to change that. Thus, the title, Achieving Results by Performing More Effective Street Management.
Define Purpose: Increase City Carrier Street Performance Problem Statement: Inconsistent and Late Delivery Times High Street Hour Usage Low Street Performance (SEI) Goal/Objective: Reduce Street Variance to Base Increase Street Performance (SEI) Scope/Customer: National, Area, District and Field delivery units Project Dates: Implementation - October 29, 2007 through December 10,2007 End – Ongoing I’d like to take some time to define why we need to focus on Street Management. The main purpose for re-focusing on Street management is the need to increase city carrier Street performance. Over the years the Postal Service has seen street performance headed in the wrong direction. There are inconsistent and late delivery times all across the country. There has been an increase in the amount of street hours being used, and outside of a couple of years the SEI for the nation has shown a consistent downward trend. The goal or objective for this training is to provide you with the tools necessary to help reduce the variance between Actual and Base street times. This will help to increase street performance, as measured by SEI. Street Management is not a new concept. However the successful to re-focusing of delivery personnel on performing effective street management is going to take the help of every level of this organization to make it successful. This training is just the beginning. This training needs to be cascaded down to every Postmaster, Station Manager, Delivery Supervisor and any one else who deals with City Delivery routes. With the continued reduction in office time due to increases in DPS and implementation of FSS, carriers will spend a larger part of their day on the street an as such, so must their supervisor.
Why is there a decline in SEI? As we can see in this chart the City Carrier Street Performance, SEI, has shown a consistent downward trend for quite sometime. There are 2 exceptions: the first was back in 2002, QUESTION TO AUDIENCE CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHY? MSP. In 2002, we implemented MSP. QUESTION TO AUDIENCE knowing that CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHY THE SEI DROPPED in 2003 AND EVERY YEAR SINCE EXCLUDING 2007? The DPH shows a different trend. A more positive trend. QUESTION TO AUDIENCE CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHY? Increase in DPS, and a reduction in the Office hours being used. This helps illustrate something that we like to call the balloon effect. Where we tighten up on our office management and reduce the hours but the carriers increase their street hours because of the lack of Street Management.
Current Situation As you saw on the last chart the SEI for FY 2007 is beginning to show a more positive trend. Here we can see part of the reason why we are beginning to change the trend. This shows that through the year we had been trending with SPLY, however, using more hours. We notice though that beginning in May and through the rest of the year we have been able to track at SPLY or better. This is in part do to the field focusing on planning pivots and ensuring that our Pivot Plans are accurate and current.
Current Situation cont. This chart shows the effect of more focused management attention. It shows the SEI trend line for FY 07 being positive. To keep this trend going, we are going to have to continue and enhance our focus on the street in an environment where mail volume has slowed and in some areas dropped from SPLY.
Measure How do we measure success? Increase City Carrier Street Performance SEI Primary Metric: DOIS Reduce Street Variance to Base DOIS Increase Street Performance (SEI) over SPLY Secondary Metric: MSP Scans Variances MSP Reduction in Scans After 1700 How do we plan on measuring to see if we are successful? First of all we should see the continued upward trend in SEI. The primary metric that will be used will be the variance between the actual and base street hours in DOIS and SEI. In addition to the DOIS indicators MSP will be used to track the Scan variances to posted time and a reduction in scans after 1700.
Analysis When you start to look at Street Management you have to understand the why and what were causing managers to not to perform street management. This Fish Bone analyzed issues causing problems for the field. First lets look at our measurement tools. Do we have the right measurements for measuring street performance: Street Hours to Plan and SPLY, SEI, and the delivery opportunity report, yes these indicators will provide us with needed information. With that in place lets look at the systems which help to create these indicators. DOIS data not maintained, MSP Data incorrect, and AMS data not properly maintained. These systems have different issues some carrier related and some management related. NOTE to INSTRUCTOR: READ SUB-ITEMS. Next lets take a look at some of the more common Management issues. Lack of District monitoring, Lack of higher level delivery support at unit, Limited supervisor resources. NOTE to INSTRUCTOR: READ SUB-ITEMS. To continue along the lines of resources let look at the materials and resources used: Limited number of DCD’s available and AMS. NOTE to INSTRUCTOR: READ SUB-ITEMS. The final thing we need to consider is the method in which we perform Street Management: analyze process for selecting routes, visiting and filing Street management records. All of these things can have an effect the Street hours usage and the SEI, in a negative manner.
Improve Now that we know some of the obstacles with performing effective Street Management let’s look at some of the potential solutions. This Fish Bone analysis helps to focus us on how and where we can improve our Street Management strategy. We determined that we have the right measurements for measuring street performance: Street Hours to Plan and SPLY, SEI, and the delivery opportunity report. With that in place lets look at how we can improve the systems which help to create these indicators. Maintain DOIS on a daily basis, Review MSP Data, and Work with AMS to ensure data is properly maintained. NOTE to INSTRUCTOR: READ SUB-ITEMS. Next the Management issues. District will need to monitor units, higher level delivery support at unit, Supervisor resources designated time. NOTE to INSTRUCTOR: READ SUB-ITEMS. The materials and resources used: Limited number of DCD’s available although there are limited DCD resources Street Management can be performed without them. AMS. NOTE to INSTRUCTOR: READ SUB-ITEMS. The final is the method in which we perform Street Management: analyze process for selecting routes, visiting and filing Street management records. Implementing these controls will have a positive effect on the Street hours usage and the SEI.
Improve – Specific Activities DOIS Review Base Route Information Pivot Plans MSP/Web-MSP 3999 Sync Report Pivot Plan Report Weekly MSP Route Prioritization Report Routes Arriving at First & Last Delivery Late Routes Expanding Street Time AMS DSMART EUARS Routes with AQRT Deficiencies New Tools Some of the key activities that will be covered in the other training modules are: DOIS Review MSP/WebMSP AMS New Tools These other modules will focus on the how and what the Postmasters, Station Managers, and Delivery Supervisors will need to know. They will also learn there is a close link between Delivery operations and AMS.
Control - Reporting (New Tools) Enhanced 3999X-AQ (Improve) Delivery information from AMS by Sector/Segment AMS Review information by Address Web Report system (Control) District review and approval Area roll-up National roll-up Unit/Route Files Some of the key controls that will be covered in the other training modules are: Enhanced 3999X-AQ Web reporting Establishment of Unit and Route files In addition to the other modules focusing on the how and what’s of street management we will also outline their roles and responsibilities in addition to the Districts. With all this said the key is, Achieving Results by Performing More Effective Street Management.
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