Mini seminar, Brussels, 22 February 2012 Your institute logo here (you can get it from the last slide) MESMA & MSFD Mini seminar, Brussels, 22 February 2012
MESMA method
MESMA method MESMA: Monitoring and evaluation of spatially managed areas
Timeline MESMA Dec ‘09: start 2010: review studies, development framework 2011: 1st test MESMA method using case studies 2012: 2nd test 2013: Final product
Results MESMA Documents available at EU habitat catalogue (EUNIS 4/5/6 levels) Review marine spatial management Overview EU policy landscape for MSP Tool library (MSP tools) Geoportal
MESMA & MSFD MESMA method helpful for 2012 Initial assessment - 2012 Determination GES - 2012 Establishment targets - 2014 Monitoring programmes + 2016 Marine strategy ++
Lessons learnt MESMA conceived before MSFD was implemented MESMA analyses/reviews MSP, and the MSFD is one element Spatial data not readily available Own experience (apart from MESMA) At start of MSFD process: too little communication between scientists on international level Communication Lack of overview of projects Sharing of geoportals would help Central overview of MSFD related projects -> more generic approach to determine effects human impact