English Philosophers Philosopher Writings (year) Concepts/beliefs -- No one should by subjected to the political power of another without his/her own consent. (Social Contract) --All people are born free, equal and independent w/ natural rights of life, liberty, and rights to property. -- Purpose of government is to protect Natural Rights. Two Treaties of Government 1689 John Locke -- Describes the Free state of nature is CHAOS -- Argues humans must voluntarily agree to create a powerful government in order to establish security and safety. -- Believed that a government in which a ruler enjoyed absolute authority over the people would end conflicts -- Based this idea on “consent to be governed theory” Leviathan 1651 Thomas Hobbes
French Philosophers Philosopher Writings (year) Concepts/beliefs The --Believed people lived once in a state of nature then entered into a contractual agreement with their gov’t. --Argued people alone had the right to determine how they should be governed. --Believed the main duty of government should be to maintain as much freedom as possible in a civilized society. The Social Contract 1762 Jean-Jacques Rousseau --Believed in dividing government into three separate branches to prevent the abuse of power --Believed no-one person was allowed to make the laws, enforce the laws, or interpret the laws Spirit of the Laws 1748 Charles de Secondat Montesquieu