Consultant for Alcon. AMO, Bausch and Lomb ReSTOR vs ReSTOR Aspheric: a questionnaire based lifestyle study Richard Packard London England ASCRS San Francisco 2009 Consultant for Alcon. AMO, Bausch and Lomb
Introduction In 2006 we conducted a study, reported previously, with a specially designed questionnaire of patients implanted with the Acrysof ReSTOR SN60D3 lens. This had been sent to 50 patients at least 12 months post-op - 40 responded fully. This year we repeated the exercise with patients implanted with the aspheric ReSTOR SN6AD3 lens. We got 15 responses from 25 patients more than 1 year out from surgery.
Anatomy of the Apodized Diffractive Aspheric Technology on the ReSTOR SA6AD3
The following question were asked Score your distance vision in good and poor light Score your near vision in good and poor light Do you use glasses used for reading? Do you use a computer? Do you use glasses for computer work? Do you drive regularly? Score your driving during the day and at night Are glare and haloes an issue when night driving? Do you play cards? Do you use glasses to play cards? Would you recommend this lens to friends and family? Only the important differences will be highlighted
Distance and near UCVA in good and poor light (score 0-7 where 7 is highest) Standard ReSTOR Aspheric ReSTOR
Driving day and night - range 0-7 Standard ReSTOR Aspheric ReSTOR
Glare and haloes night driving Standard ReSTOR Aspheric ReSTOR No patient spontaneously mentioned any night time visual disturbances No patient does not drive at night
In conclusion Although patients willingness to recommend the lens to friends and family was similar between the groups Standard ReSTOR Aspheric ReSTOR The theoretical improvement in mesopic vision and lessening of haloes and glare of the aspheric ReSTOR seems to exist for patients in their world
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