The Doctrine of Salvation Lesson 19: The Doctrine of Salvation
The Doctrine of Salvation The Greatest Need That Man Has on This Earth Is the Salvation of His Soul. There is no Bible doctrine more important than salvation. God created man with free will – the freedom to choose what to do with his life and how to respond to the will of God. While God longs for man to come to Him and enter into a relationship with Him (Acts 17:24-28; 1 Tim. 2:4; John 3:16), the majority of accountable persons are not interested in the will of God and they make choices that violate God’s will—this is called “sin.” Sin is the result of violating the will of God. Sin is a personal choice. Sin is not inherited. Sin results in separation from God.
The Doctrine of Salvation It Is Essential to Understand What “Being Saved” Means. While it is critical to understand “how” one can be “saved” (which will be studied in this lesson), it is equally critical to understand “what” it even means “to be saved.” “Being saved” involves what one is being saved “from.” “Being saved” involves what one is being saved “by.” “Being saved” involves what one is being saved “to.” “Being saved” involves what one is being saved “for.”
The Doctrine of Salvation Salvation from Sin, According to the Bible, Is Intended for and Offered to All. There are many in the denominational world who do not believe that all people have the God-given opportunity to be saved. The Bible teaches that ALL are lost! The Bible teaches that ALL will be judged! The Bible teaches that God wants ALL to be saved! The Bible teaches that Jesus died for ALL! The Bible teaches that Jesus has commissioned His disciples to go to ALL people. The Bible teaches that the invitation to come to Christ and be saved is extended to ALL. The Bible teaches that God is no respecter of persons when it comes to salvation.
The Doctrine of Salvation Salvation from Sin, According to the Bible, Is By the Grace of God. The grace of God is wonderfully beautiful and so desperately needed! Scripture affirms the only way that man can be saved from sin is by the grace of God. However, Scripture does not teach that salvation is by grace alone. It is impossible for man to earn or merit his salvation. Man is saved by grace (Eph. 2:5, 8), but we can only find “access…into this grace” (Rom. 5:1-2) by a proper response to the revealed will of the gracious God!
The Doctrine of Salvation Salvation from Sin, According to the Bible, Is By the Blood of Jesus Christ. The grace of God, which was fueled by “the love of God”: Why was it essential for Jesus to shed His blood? In the Patriarchal Age, the sacrifice of blood was essential. In the Mosaic Age, the sacrifice of blood was essential. The shedding of Jesus’ blood was absolutely essential for our salvation from sin. Man is saved by Christ’s blood (Eph. 1:7), but we can only be “washed…in the blood of the Lamb” (Rev. 7:14) by a proper response to the revealed will of the loving Savior!
The Doctrine of Salvation Salvation from Sin, According to the Bible, Is By the Word of the Holy Spirit. The entire Godhead is involved in our salvation from sin. Every word in our Bible is a product of the Holy Spirit. Scripture teaches that the Spirit-given Word in our Bible is essential to salvation from sin. Scripture teaches that the Spirit-given Word leads one to the point of salvation from sin. Scripture teaches that the Spirit-given Word is involved in the actual salvation from sin. The Word of God will be that which judges all mankind at the end of time (John 12:48). Man is saved by the Word of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 15:1-4), but we can only be made “alive” (Rom. 6:11-17) by a proper response to the revealed will in that Word!
The Doctrine of Salvation Salvation from Sin, According to the Bible, Is By Faith (on Man’s Part). Man’s salvation is truly, clearly and only possible by the grace of God (Eph. 2:5). However, the Bible does teach that man has a part in his salvation. It is helpful to have an accurate definition of faith, from Scripture and from lexicons. It is essential to know that Scripture teaches that faith saves man from sin. It is critical to understand that Scripture does not teach that faith alone saves. Scripture teaches one who “believes” is synonymous with one who “obeys” (John 3:36, NASB). Salvation requires faith, and true faith will save.
The Doctrine of Salvation Salvation from Sin, According to the Bible, Is By Works (on Man’s Part). Saying that man is saved by works makes some people very uncomfortable. Like with grace and with faith, it is important to define terms. Scripture teaches that salvation is “not of works.” Some “works” are unnecessary (and even counterproductive) to salvation. “Works” “of the law” of Moses will not save. “Works” of which one may “boast” will not save. Scripture teaches that salvation is “by works.”
The Doctrine of Salvation Salvation from Sin, According to the Bible, Is By Works (on Man’s Part). Scripture teaches that some “works” are absolutely essential to one’s salvation. While some try to exclude “works” as essential for salvation, Scripture teaches otherwise. Jesus said that one must “labor for…everlasting life” (John 6:27), and that to “believe in Him” is a “work” appointed by God (6:29). Jesus called faith a “work.” The act of “repentance” requires “works befitting repentance” in order to truly “turn to God” (Acts 26:20; cf. Matt. 12:41+Jon. 3:10). Not only are the works identified by God essential for salvation, but a Christian must continue to maintain faith- saving works to remain in a right relationship with God. Man is saved by works.
The Doctrine of Salvation Salvation from Sin, According to the Bible, Is By Obedience (on Man’s Part). There are two primary Greek words used in the New Testament for “obey.” Very practically speaking, “Obedience is doing what the Lord prescribed, in the manner authorized, and for the purpose specified” (Wayne Jackson). While the doctrine of “faith only” is widely believed today as the means for salvation, Scripture does not support such a doctrine. The Scripture plainly teaches that one cannot be saved without obeying the will of the Lord revealed in the New Testament!
The Doctrine of Salvation Salvation from Sin, According to the Bible, Is By Obedience (on Man’s Part). In fact, when Scripture is consulted, one finds that the New Testament uses the terms and concepts of true/saving faith synonymously and interchangeably with that of obedience. Note carefully the contrast made between one who “believes” and one who “disobeys.” Note carefully how those who obeyed were said to have “believed.” Every example of one who was saved by faith in the Bible was saved by an obedient faith. Scripture teaches that obedience is required by God. Scripture teaches that obedience will be rewarded by God. Scripture teaches that those who do not obey will be punished by God.
The Doctrine of Salvation Salvation from Sin, According to the Bible, Is By Obedience (on Man’s Part). When one properly understands the Scriptural teaching necessitating man’s obedience to God’s plan of salvation, he comes to understand that manmade doctrines have no place in the divine scheme of redemption, including the doctrines of: “Unconditional Election” “A Good Moral Life” “The Sinner’s Prayer”
The Doctrine of Salvation Conclusion The most important question that can ever be asked is, “What Must I Do to Be Saved?” In Biblical salvation: There is God’s part in it. There is man’s part in it. The salvation that we so desperately need and that God offers is summarized in John 3:16. Salvation is by grace – “God so loved.” Salvation is universally designed—“the world…whoever.” Salvation is by blood—“He gave His only begotten Son.” Salvation is through Christ—“in Him.” Salvation is conditional—“believes.” Salvation is dependent upon faithful obedience—“should not perish.” Salvation is eternal in scope—“have everlasting life.” There is only one plan of salvation.