Test will be on Tuesday, March 7th News From Rooms 310 & 313 February 20 - 24, 2017 Marlow Elementary 912-728-3262 Specials Mon: PE* (P); Art (S) Tues: Tech (P); Music(S) Wed: PE* (P); PE*(S) Thurs: Art (P); Tech(S) Fri: Music (P); PE*(S) *Wear Tennis Shoes Notes Please continue to send in your box tops. You may send them in a Ziploc bag. Thank you! We will take class pictures on February 23rd. Order forms were sent home next week. Don’t forget to get your yearbook! Right now they are $20.00. After Feb. 28th, they are $25.00. Coin Drive for John Ashley Beam: The classes per grade level that donate the most money will enjoy a dress down day on designated Fridays. We will begin working on an in-class project for our Science unit on Adaptations. Letters will go home this week. Miss Rebecca Stewart (S) rstewart@effingham.k12.ga.us Mrs. Melissa Phillips (P) mphillips@effingham.k12.ga.us Twitter: @MelissaMES313 Instagram: @mrs.phillipsmes313 Mrs. Jennafer Busbie jbusbie@effingham.k12.ga.us Upcoming Events Feb. 23: 1st Grade A&E/PTO Feb. 23: Class Picture-wear school uniform Feb. 24: Spirit Day March 1: 4-H; 10-11 March 15: Last Day of the 3rd Nine Weeks March 16: Coin Drive for John Ashley Beam ends March 17: No School March 22: Report Cards March 22: Mrs. Phillips out ½ day March 31: Spirit Day April 6: Spring Pictures Math Continuing with Math Unit 6, we will focus on the following skills: Angle measures Classifying triangles by sides and angles Identifying and drawing lines of Symmetry Homework Mon- 25 mult. problems. Complete Mon. Tues – 25 mult. problems. Complete Tuesday. Weds –25 mult. problems. Complete Weds. Thurs - 25 multiplication problems. Complete Thurs. Test will be on Tuesday, March 7th Science Continuing our study of adaptations, we will learn about the different ways organisms adapt to their environments to survive. We will begin an in-class project. Test will be March 8th English Language Arts This week we will practice the following skills: Opinion Writing Citing Evidence Comparing & Contrasting Text & Visual Elements Relative pronouns & adverbs Our opinion writing test will take place Feb. 17th -March 3rd. We will spend 30 minutes each day writing. Social Studies This week we will start our study of how the United States became a new nation after the American Revolution.