An Introduction to NETS*T Edmonds School District February 7, 2005
NETS*T overview The standards A closer look One performance indicator One content area idea One interdisciplinary idea Assessment
The standard areas Technology Operations and Concepts Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences Teaching, Learning and the Curriculum Assessment and Evaluation Productivity and Professional Practice Social, Ethical, Legal and Human Issues
Taking a closer look… Productivity and Professional Practice Working more efficiently; deciding and supporting your own professional development, related to best practices in Standard 2; communicating with professional learning communities and families to increase learning
One performance indicator Continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of student learning. Reflective learning portfolio for the purpose of affecting student learning outcomes
Describe how this indicator can be incorporated into a single academic content area This could be incorporated into any content area but for math, specifically, after completing a unit on graphing, a teacher might document several students’ growth from pre-assessment to a post assessment to identify trends and strengths in student learning.
Describe how this indicator can be incorporated into an interdisciplinary instructional unit. While planning a unit, teachers would reflect on the experiences to ensure alignment with content standards.
On-going written reflection and adaptation of teaching strategies How could teacher performance in implementation of this indicator be measured? On-going written reflection and adaptation of teaching strategies