Unique PTC for retirees – an open discussion ZED-MIBA Forum Unique PTC for retirees – an open discussion Presented by Peter Nielsen, SK
Preambles : To initiate a constructive discussion within the Community in order to evaluate pros/cons of introducing a unique PTC for retirees. To create a platform for discussion at next AGM. No decisions to be taken at WGM ! Not a discussion on the ‘validity’ of retirees being included in ZMF!
Why? Airlines might want to concur for active employees only. A budding desire within the industry to focus on active employees. The APDC (Airline People Directors Council, global Airline HR Leaders‘ Network) are making noises on this. Airlines might want to concur for active employees only. Enhance the possibility for airlines to use PTC as validation in internal systems. Give me more freedom to airlines for differentiating in concurring and for airlines who use ZMF principles internally also on various entitlements.
Pros & cons A one off development job. Might be seen by some members as demotion of retirees. Requires attention when concurring. Wider range of possibilities when concurring. Enables airlines to put more focus on the active employees. Easier identification in GDSs. Measured up to the future.
PTCs for active employees PTCs for retirees How? PTCs for active employees PTCs for retirees ZEA Employee, spouse, and children from 12 to under 24 years of age ZCO Children of employee age 24 and over ZCS Common-law spouse (includes same-sex and opposite sex) ZCU Children of employee from 21 to under 24 years of age ZEC Children of employee from 2 to under 12 years of age ZEF Employee/retiree family members ZEI Infant of employee from 0 to under 2 years of age ZEP Parents of employee ZES ZED employee sibling ZPA Accompanied travel partner of employee – Adult ZPC Accompanied Travel partner of employee- Child ZPU Partner Unaccompanied ZSO Common-law spouse of employee, registered, opposite sex ZSP Spouse (includes legal and common-law) ZSS Common-law spouse of employee, registered, same sex Znn/ZYP* Persons age 12-15 (any relationship to the employee) REA Retiree, spouse, and children from 12 to under 24 years of age RCO Children of retiree age 24 and over RCS Common-law spouse (includes same-sex and opposite sex) RCU Children of retiree from 21 to under 24 years of age REC Children of retiree from 2 to under 12 years of age REF Retiree family members REI Infant of retiree from 0 to under 2 years of age REP Parents of retiree RES ZED retiree sibling RPA Accompanied travel partner of retiree – Adult RPC Accompanied Travel partner of retiree- Child RPU Partner Unaccompanied RSO Common-law spouse of retiree, registered, opposite sex RSP Spouse (includes legal and common-law) RSS Common-law spouse of retiree, registered, same sex Rnn/RYP* Persons age 12-15 (any relationship to the retiree) Propose that if REA is not ticked off in ISTA online concurrence, then retirees are included under ZEA. If REA is ticked off, then new drop downs open, to be validated.
Thank you for your attention … & see you at the next AGM 2018! Thank you for your attention … & see you at the next AGM 2018!