The Saudi experiement with career guidance Tristram Hooley
Sadler’s dictum
Saudi Arabia Monarchy Institutionalised religion Religious authorities (ulama) Limited civil society e.g. teachers unions beyond the religious institutions
Policy and politics There is a lot of debate – but few formal forums for it to take place in. Key elements of debate revolve around the interpretation and application of the Qur’an and the dividing line between religious doctrine and cultural practices. Regulation of the public sphere through both soft and hard mechanism e.g. Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (Haia) and the religious police (mutaween)
Key issues
Policy responses Saudi Vision 2030 and the National Development Plan The promotion of private sector-led investments and the privatisation of inefficient government services Economic diversification into non-oil sectors, such as healthcare, tourism and hospitality, entertainment, IT, global trade logistics, petrochemicals, mining and metals, alternative energies, retail,and investment and finance. Hafiz employment support Saudisation Vocational education and wider educational reform Initiatives around women’s work and education Career guidance
Career guidance A weak history of career guidance A phase of strategic development from 2013. Gradual development of instruments and infrastructure Extensive use of international consultants and models to drive the development
Aims of Saudi career guidance Empower Saudis to equally consider all sectors of the job market (not just the public sector) Instil the value of a productive, lifelong career Encourage the principle that all jobs are valued Engender realistic expectations about entry-level jobs Enable Saudis to plan their careers according to personal aspirations and market need
Challenges Challenges of culture Challenges of theory Can (Western, individualistic) career guidance be made to fit within Saudi Arabian culture? Challenges of theory What theoretical basis exists on which career guidance can be built? Challenges for policy Is Saudi Arabia capable of implementing national change within the education and employment system. Challenges for practice Need for training and a community of practice.
What would Saudi career theory look like? God has designated each and everyone of us as His Khalifa on earth – so it would make little sense if He didn’t empower us with unique skills to play this important role… the key is discovering what those skills are. We know that this requires self-reflection, honesty with oneself, and confidence that God has empowered each and every one of us with some unique skill which is stronger than anyone else around us. (p. 170)
In conclusion Saudi Arabia represents a very challenging context for career guidance. These challenges relate to both career guidance’s attachment to agentic individualism and its claims to social justice. However, it also offers some possibilities for Saudis seeking to ‘modernise’ and reform their country. Policy borrowing from the West has allowed this process to begin at rapid pace. But, there is a need to develop theories and practices which are more convincingly embedded in the Saudi context.
References Hooley, T. (2017). The Saudi experiment with career guidance. In Sultana, R. Career Guidance and Livelihood Planning Across the Mediterranean. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp.283-300. Human Resources Development Fund. (2015a). Career education and development. Riyadh: Human Resources Development Fund. Human Resources Development Fund. (2015b). The career development framework for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Riyadh: Human Resources Development Fund. Khoja, H. I. (2016). A global nomad in search of true happiness. Jeddah: Hani Ibrahim Khoja. Sadler, M. (1900/1979). How far can we learn anything of practical value from the study of foreign systems of education? Address of 20 October. In J. H. Higginson (Ed.), Selections from Michael Sadler. Liverpool: Dejall & Meyorre.
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