Jeopardy Game Hosted by PHDP Jamaica MODULE 4 Treatment Literacy
Select category and amount Disease Progression ART Select category and amount Monitoring Adherence 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500
In this stage a person has a good immune status and has no signs Disease Progression 100 What is Latent Stage? In this stage a person has a good immune status and has no signs Row 1, Col 1
ART 100 What is advanced HIV or AIDS ? In this stage a person has a weakened immune system and may easily get sick 1,2
In the stage of AIDS, the CD4 is Monitoring 100 What is 200 cell/ml ? In the stage of AIDS, the CD4 is usually below… 1,3
Adherence 100 What is CD4 cells or T-cells ? These are a type of white blood cells that play a major role in protecting your body from infection. They send signals to activate your body’s immune response when they detect “intruders,” like viruses or bacteria… 1,4
Disease Progression 200 Refers to the combination of ARV What is antiretroviral therapy/treatment (ART)? Disease Progression 200 Refers to the combination of ARV drugs used in the management of HIV 2,1
ART 200 What is a drug regimen? The list of drugs/medications that a patient is on and how they should be taken 2,2
Monitoring 200 What is treatment/ART goal ? To decrease HIV replication in order to delay the destruction of the immune system so that the individual can achieve normal survival is the … 2,3
Adherence 200 What are opportunistic infections (OIs)? These infections/conditions will be prevented when a person’s immune system is strengthened while on ART and maintaining proper nutrition 2,4
Disease Progression 300 What is clinical monitoring? Regular clinical checks, CD4, and/or viral load is referred to as… 3,1
ART 300 This test will give an idea of how What is a CD4 test ? well a person’s immune system is. The higher the value, the better the immune system. 3,2
Monitoring 300 What is viral load ? A lab test that measures the number of HIV virus particles (“copies”) in a milliliter of blood. 3,3
Adherence 300 What is undetectable ? The viral load at this level means the ART is working very well. 3,4
Disease Progression 400 The most important factor to What is adherence to care (meds, appointments, and healthy life style)? The most important factor to achieve the best outcome in HIV care. 4,1
ART 400 What is multidisciplinary care ? Adherence to care usually means follow up appointments not only with the doctors, but also with a social worker, adherence counsellor, nutritionist, pharmacist, and other members of a care team. This team approach is also referred as… 4,2
Monitoring 400 When a person’s CD4 is below 500 What is first line ART? When a person’s CD4 is below 500 cells/ml and they are ready to start ART they are offered this regimen as per the National HIV/STI/TB Programme’s HIV treatment guidelines. 4,3
Adherence 400 What is drug resistance ? When a person has poor adherence to their ART, HIV will mutate (i.e., change) so that the ARVs don’t work anymore. This is called… 4,4
Disease Progression 500 What is second line ART? When the first line of ART no longer works the doctor usually suggest this after intensive adherence counseling…. 5,1
ART 500 What is drug interaction? It is very important to tell your healthcare provider about all medications or herbs you are on to prevent any… 5,2
Monitoring 500 What is PMTCT HIV? The prevention of transmission (i.e., passing on) of HIV from a mother to her child during pregnancy, labour, delivery, or breastfeeding is referred to as… 5,3
Adherence 500 Persons on ART with viral loads that What is treatment as prevention (TasP)? Persons on ART with viral loads that are undetectable are less likely to transmit HIV. This is called… 5,4