Bluetooth Vibration API for mobile phones Muyowa Mutemwa 2550606 Supervisor: W.D. Tucker Co-Supervisor: Prof. I. Venter
Overview Kiara Agent makes the phone vibrate Kiara running on PC Send update via Bluetooth Kiara Agent makes the phone vibrate Kiara running on PC
UIS (User Interface Specification) update Kiara on the PC, not part of the solution/implementation Basic layout & vibration when a new message is received
UIS (User Interface Specification - continued) Example of the contents of a message Menu options available
HLD/OOA (High level Design/ object oriented analysis) Type_of_im stores the type of IM received from Kiara. Name stores the name of the person who sent the IM. Time stores the time the IM was sent/arrived. Win32 communicates with Kiara and runs Bluetooth_code Bluetooth_code communicates with phone and passes on the message. Kiara_Agent abstraction for 5 classes, communicates with PC, displays the message.
LLD/OOD (low level design/object oriented design) Kiara_agent class public Kiara_Agent() while(true) -get message from PC -if(message != null) -set values to a message structure -sleep(1) -pass on control to the next class -… VibrationApp class Public VibrationApp() If(message.type == text) -start.vibrate(time1, intensity1); -release.vibrate() -pop.vibrate() else(message.type == voice) -start.vibrate(time2, intensity2); else(message.type == video) -start.vibrate(time3 intensity3); else -default
Project plan Plans for the rest of the year. Term 3 Term 4 make the win32 application using Visual Studio 5 make the Bluetooth code using Python. make the Kiara Agent using Carbide & Symbian s60 Term 4 Debug the application Get the Kiara Agent signed by Symbian Test the System using 4 different types of phones (Nokia s60)
Demo Explain what you’re going to do How you’re going to do it Why you are showing this . . . How it’s going to lead to what you will code in the 3rd term. then give your demo, followed by Q&A