SCE 4310 U01 Week #5, Class #5 Tuesday, September 20, 2016 AGENDA, NOTES, PHOTOs, & RESOURCES
WALL PRESENTATION: SCE 4310 Handouts WEEKS 1-5//White Board Notes & Upcoming Due Dates
Link to Reading about the C-E-R-R Frame on the Class Update Page from September 13 & 20//See Slides – all about seeds and plants from our class update page too!
CERR Frame & KLEWS CHART for Evidence-based & inquiry lessons [WORK IN SCIENCE NOTEBOOKS for Seeds & Plants]
To In-class Handouts – Refer to Seeds and Plants Investigations 1, 2, & 3 (new this week) Also, refer to Concept Mapping, Chapter 12, textbook
Investigations set up using the CERR Framework & KLEWS CHART
Relate to FA2 and Interviewing Children – Semi-structured Interview Approach (see notes in this week’s update page & link to video)
Update Class Notes – Interview (Conceptual Teaching & Learning) –Constructivist Framework
AFTER OUR WORK WITH SEEDS & PLANTS from Takeout Investigations --Today’s Focus Investigation In-Class (Chapter 5)-Science Experiment Paper Helicopters [Group Investigations]
Today’s Focus Investigation In-Class (Chapter 5)-Science Experiment Paper Helicopters [Group Investigations]
Today’s Focus Investigation In-Class (Chapter 5)-Science Experiment Paper Helicopters [Group Investigations]—Four Question Strategy = Messing About in Science
Four Question Strategy = Messing About in Science
Setting up team science experiment with paper helicopter or roto-copters
Setting up team science experiment with paper helicopter or roto-copters
Setting up team science experiment with paper helicopter or roto-copters
Setting up team science experiment with paper helicopter or roto-copters
Work in science notebooks associated with Chapter 5 Reading, Author’s chapter 5 slides
Work in science notebooks associated with Chapter 5 Reading, Author’s chapter 5 slides Design your group scientific protocol & science experiment as a part of the CERR/KLEWS Chart & 5 E Learning Cycle Lesson (see Chapter 9)
Work in science notebooks associated with Chapter 5 Reading, Author’s chapter 5 slides
Work in science notebooks associated with Chapter 5 Reading, Author’s chapter 5 slides
Setting up team science experiment with paper helicopter or roto-copters/Write up report on handouts & in science notebook
Setting up team science experiment with paper helicopter or roto-copters/Write up report on handouts & in science notebook
Homework this week – Relate to Minds of Our Own video and FA2 assignment Read and reflect on the article “How do Children Know What They Know?” 2 full typed pages minimal. Only one paragraph to describe info in article (overview), ¾ of the reflection should relate to your active engagement of application of the knowledge, what/how will you be using the information? Significance of the manuscript reporting to your development of understanding in science education thus far? Due next class on September 27th.
Upcoming due dates and in-class activities Upcoming due dates and in-class activities. Your study guides for each chapter need to be detailed and you should try various reporting tools such as Concept Maps (see p. 302, textbook.)