NEPAD’S CONTRIBUTION TO IMPLEMENTING EVIDENCE DRIVEN LAND POLICY AT COUNTRY LEVEL Estherine Lisinge Fotabong, Rudo Makunike and Mandivamba Rukuni Presentation at the World Bank Land and Poverty Conference 2017, Washington DC, session on Expanding African Capacity for Land Governance
THE ROLE OF LAND POLICY AND GOVERNANCE IN NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Rural transformation occurs within a broader process of economy-wide structural transformation Rural transformation option has the greatest potential for addressing unemployment, poverty and inequality Low growth and high unemplyment will not ‘self-correct’; these require a central role of the State This is the context in which land policy has to be engaged and enhanced in African counries
KEY ISSUES TO ANALYSE AND ASSESS AT COUNTRY LEVEL The main policy agenda is locating the role of land in entire economy, leading to inclusive and equitable development- and making strategic contributions to AU Agenda 2063 Identifying the key land sectors specific to the country Examining multi-sector integeration, promoting spatial, economic and social justice How to foster social and economic convergence between rural and urban areas; creating backward and forward linkages
SPECIFIC BURNING LAND POLICY ISSUES THAT NEED EVIDENCE Clarity of land categories and implications for decision-making on land rights, land use and access (governance) How to promote tenure security and viability of smallholder family farming and livestock and pastoral systems Assess LSLBIS for compliance with inclusive, equitable local benefits (including royalties and taxes) How to optimise internal revenue generation from land and property tax collection Aid optimal investment in natural resource management, extractive industries, and infrastructure development
NEPAD FRAMEWORK AND COUNTRY OWNERSHIP OF THE POLICY PROCESS The agenda of improving land policy and governance is owned and led by the member country in question Emphasis on building national and local capacity for self-assessment and self-correction and implementation The use of local expertise is preferable and expected to improve relevance of the outcomes, reduce costs, and improve the chances of implementation Evidence and data aimed at understanding of problems, challenges and opportunites, should be practical rather than academic exercise Analyses should exhaust existing data and evidence, including a considerable amount of administrative data collected by governments African countries should learn each other, and should share data, results, evidence and expertise. Therefore need for common methodology.
COUNTRY SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS Pilot countries: Burkina Faso; Cameroon; Malawi; Tanzania Analyse when and how land matters for the economy and identify the key sectors specific to the country For each of the identified sectors, assess: Policy, Regulatory and Institutional frameworks, as well as regulations and statutory instruments for accessing and managing land Current government priorities in the sector in relation to land (interventions, decision making processes; progress made so far) Identify land related priorities not addressed, examine reasons; interventions needed to address gaps; and to monitor progress Identify leverage points and potential investments and interventions Complete initial capacity needs assessment for the sector
MAINSTREAMING LAND IN INVESTMENT PROGRAMS Identifying and validating priorities for strengthening land policy and governance Start with multi sector investment analysis; identify potential mainstreaming, integrating investment plans Develop sector specific inerventions: Policies, legislation, programmes and projects An investment plan and budget will be developed Consolidate national land policy and investment strategy and plan
DATA SOURCES FOR COUNTRY SELF-ASSESSMENT Use of secondary data Use of administrative data, opportunities and challenges Use of LGAF data in those counties were LGAF completed Use of open source geospatial data and GIS/satellite imagery
CAPACITY NEEDS ASSESSMENT AND CAPACITY BUILDING STRATEGIES To address the implementation priorities and capacity gaps. A capacity development programme will be developed Capacity development materials will be developed, including sector specific modules Modules for capacity strengthening will be developed through participatory curriculum development processes
FRAMEWORK, TRACKING PROGRESS, MONITORING, VALUATION AND IMPACT ENHANCEMENT The national land development plan and budget will form the basis for developing and implementation A Results Framework with a clear theory of change and impact pathways for all major strategies and intervention An M&E tool Planned impact enhancing activities such as: a) periodic policy dialogues; b) on the job training; and c) communications and social marketing agenda.
CONCLUSIONS: What NEPAD has contributed to building capacity for evidence based policy practice on land Analytical Tools Thematic assessment tools: land rights, land administration, dispute resolution, land use planning etc. Sectoral assessment tools: agriculture, mining , urban development and rural agglomerations, NRM, infrastructure development Capacity development tools Knowledge sharing platforms Resource mobilisation strategies
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