End of World War I
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Review – Final Battles Leading To End of WWI Belleau Wood Battle of Argonne Forest
Armistice Ends the War September 1918 German generals told their kaiser they couldn’t win the war October 4, 1918- Germany asks President Wilson for an armistice Wilson sets two conditions Germany must accept his plan for peace German emperor must abdicate- give up power Germany continues to lose ground and morale November 9- German emperor resigns November 11, 1918- WWI ends
The Costs of War Generation of young Europeans gone 8-9 million people died in battle 4 million Russian, French & British killed 2 million Germans killed 100,000 US killed More than 20 million on both sides wounded Civilians died of diseases Northern France=ruined 1918- influenza epidemic
After the War Wilson first American president to meet foreign leaders on foreign soil Goal: make the world safe for democracy with lasting peace Europeans wanted to punish Germans severely for the war
Wilson’s Fourteen-Point Peace Plan Before war ended, Wilson outlined his peace plan Fourteen Points Called for an end of secret agreements, freedom of the seas, free trade, limit on arms, peaceful settlements & self determination Fourteenth Point most important
Problems with the Points Wilson convinces Allies to accept the Points as a basis for peace Problems Points too vague Conflicted with reality Allies more concerned with protecting their own interests Paris Peace Conference Big Four Allies that decided the key issues Wilson (US), David Lloyd George (UK), Clemenceau (France), Orlando (Italy)
Disagreement Among the Allies Wilson opposed punishing the defeated powers Other Allies want revenge Insist on reparations Includes a war guilt clause Germany can not rebuild its military strength Result: Wilson has to compromise on his Fourteen Points
Harsh Terms for Germany June 1919- Treaty of Versailles aka Peace of Paris completed Germany was not a part of the peace talks Germany had to take full blame for the war Germany had to pay Allies huge reparations Limited the size of Germany’s military Alsace-Lorraine returned to France Stripped Germany of overseas colonies
A Few Victories for Wilson Gained a few of his Fourteen Points Eastern Europe- new nations formed Some dissatisfied with new boundaries Greatest achievement- The League of Nations New Battle- persuade Senate to approve the treaty and participation in the League of Nations
Critics of the Treaty Most Americans favored the treaty Vocal minority opposed it Isolationists oppose the League of Nations Henry Cabot Lodge Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Accepted the League, but wanted changes Wilson refuses to make ANY changes to the League
Defeated Treaty September 1919- Wilson campaigned across the country for the League September 25- Wilson exhausted, doctors cancel the rest of the trip November 1919- Senate rejects the Versailles Treaty US did not sign a peace treaty with Germany until 1921 League fails without US as a member