Presentation on Strategic Plan 2007/8 -2011/12 Age of hope:National Effort for Corrections, Rehabilitation & Social Re-integration of Offenders 28 March 2007 Cape Town
Contents Background to development of 2006/07 Strategic Plan & Budget Highlights for 2006/07 Priorities 2007/08-08/09 2007 State of Nation address & Programme of Action Strategic Plan - 2007/08 overview & Performance Programme outline (year 1) Challenges for implementation
Development of Strategic Plan 2007/08 – 2011/12 Exec Management Committee (EMC) evaluation of strategic planning and performance evaluation in August 2006 Need to have phased approach to priorities and recognise that many are not one year priorities Need to focus on enhancing role of operational management in DCS for better delivery Need strategically focus to create enabling conditions for delivery on White Paper – creating institutional capacity for delivery and overcoming obstacles to rehabilitation such as security breaches, corruption, overcrowding, vacancies Mid-term review of 2006/07 of organisational performance
Development of Strategic Plan 2007/08 – 2011/12 Development of 5 year plan - prioritizes 1st year of operation and adds outer year Revised targets for year 1 Integrated Planning approach which incorporated Extended EMC work session end January 2007 Cabinet Lekgotla priorities State of National Address priorities Government Prog of Action
Strategic Themes Of DCS Work legal mandate of Department of Correctional Services is drawn from clear hierarchy of imperatives, originating from Constitution & in particular Bill of Rights. Legislature has passed legislation laying down prescripts to Department as to kind of correctional system that is required in our developing democracy, & regulations & orders give effect to practicalities of its implementation. overall strategic direction of DCS is drawn from recently drafted White Paper on Corrections in South Africa, & subordinate policy that lays basis for procedures to be followed by correctional officials in their work within correctional centres & community corrections offices & in their relations with offenders. Government adopted in 1996 National Crime Prevention Strategy that provides overall paradigm within which crime prevention & crime combating take place in democratic South Africa. DCS has very specific responsibilities that flow from this strategy & inform much of DCS work. current challenge of Department is to ensure proper alignment of hierarchy of imperatives as until recently there has been disjuncture between key elements of this mandatory framework. correctional services Department of Correctional Services REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA
2006/07 Highlights Improvement in security Implementation & roll-out of Biometric system Implementation & monitoring of security policy Re-launch & finalisation of HIV/Syphilis prevalence survey Filling of posts at senior management level (Chief Deputy Commissioner level) Accreditation of sites for provision of ARVs 7-day establishment & accelerated recruitment (continued) Launch of Corrections week Release of Jali Commission report
Priorities 2007/08-08/09 Key projects 2007/08-2008/09 Expedite procurement of new correctional centres & attend to necessary improvements in physical infrastructure for promotion of security, rehabilitation & correction Phased Implementation of Offender Rehabilitation Path Phased Implementation of Social Reintegration action plan Management of Awaiting Trail Detention Project Job Refinement & Enhancement Project
Priorities 2007/08-08/09 cont’d Priorities for 2007-8 Creation of enabling environment for rehabilitation Improvements in Compliance with Internal Control & Policies Improve Planning, Implementation & Reporting framework Improved Communication of DCS Strategic Direction Implementation of Integrated Human Resources Strategy Improving of partnerships & external relations
2007 State of Nation Address Overall focus on delivery in relation to crime, poverty alleviation and social development – addresses both crime prevention and crime combating Department specific Ensure existence of effective institutional structures & systems for delivery of White Paper on Corrections Management of Awaiting Trial Detainees Project Improvement of capacity of JCPS departments Build new correctional centres
2007/2008 -2011/12 Plan Inclusion of priorities in all programmes – are cross cutting Introduction of critical strategies into Strategic Plan, including: Harnessing Organisational Culture Project Management of Awaiting Trial Detention Project Risk Management and Compliance Improvement Security Co-ordination Development & updating of Service Delivery Improvement Plan in compliance with DPSA Develop effective Monitoring & Evaluation System for DCS Operational management coordination Framework for improvement of delivery on priority projects within DCS Implementation at Centres of Excellence
Administration Compliance improvement plan Involvement of managers in monitoring compliance with internal controls & procedures at both operational & support levels Improved communication, support to & relations with Chapter 9 Institutions & other Statutory bodies, especially Parliament, Human Rights Commission & Auditor General Ensure compliance with PFMA & internal financial management controls Implementation of Jali Commission Recommendations Finalise processing of Correctional Services Amendment Bill Expedite implementation of policies & develop procedures for approved policies Improve implementation & performance reporting on Centres of Excellence Delivery on Priority Master Information Systems Plan (MISP) projects
Administration (cont…) Finalise alignment between elements of government planning cycle: ENE, Strategic Planning, Operational Plans, Quarterly Reports, Annual Report, Performance Management System Development of effective Monitoring & Evaluation System for organisational performance monitoring Finalise development of Service Delivery Improvement Plan (SDIP) & implementation Implementation of Integrated Human Resources Strategy Improve functioning of cluster system to advance government objectives & programs of DCS Participate in efforts to establish continental corrections body and conclude bilateral agreements
Security Review & improvement of measures to ensure Safety & Security of inmates, officials, service providers &public Vetting of officials Refresher training for emergency support teams . Specialised training programmes for security personnel Reduce incidents of escapes & assaults by 10% of previous financial year Reduce unnatural deaths with 5% compared to previous year Completion of installation of security equipment at 25% of correctional centres
Corrections Reduced & even spreading of Overcrowding of Sentenced Offenders Phased implementation of Offender Rehabilitation Path Development of prioritised offence related corrections programmes Increase participation of offenders in rehabilitation programs Facilitate removal of awaiting trial & sentenced children from correctional centres to appropriate facilities Improved effective management of Remand Detention through internal & JCPS processes
Care Implement Comprehensive Health Care Service Review current & develop new care programmes for implementation Conduct HIV & AIDS knowledge, attitude, perception & behaviour (KAPB) assessment Development & implementation of needs based rehabilitation approach for special categories of offenders as defined in White Paper
Development Implement comprehensive education, sports, recreation, arts, culture & skills development programme Implement comprehensive offender skills development plan to enhance skills utilisation & employability of offenders Maintain & expand national agriculture & production workshop system for poverty alleviation
Social reintegration Implement framework on Social Reintegration Develop & implement Policy procedure for Restorative Justice Pilot & implement classification tool for probationers & parolees Promote alternative non-custodial sentencing to judiciary by Department Implement measures for improving functions of correctional supervision & parole systems Enhance Operation Masibambisane – outreach to community and to local government
Facilities Construction of Kimberly Completion of Viability for Leeuwkop Implement feasibility study findings for new head office Development of monitoring framework for capital works budgeting & expenditure 5 year facilities plan including new centres, upgrading and renovations Rented accommodation for community corrections offices, regional offices and Head Office
Challenges Provision of three meal system, Implementation of Unit Management & Structured day – dependent on job refinement and 7 day establishment Job refinement and enhancement project Increase participation of offenders in programmes Escapes (collusion, violence) Attracting & retaining scarce skills Finalization & implementation of policies and procedures Improve delivery at management area level taking into account local government’s role (Operation Masibamibsane) Alignment of planning, budgeting & reporting framework
Conclusion Have built on EMC evaluation August 2006 that need to be more strategically focused to create enabling conditions for delivery on White Paper – in sense of creating institutional capacity for delivery and overcoming obstacles to rehabilitation such as overcrowding Have ensured that all key projects are reflected in Strategic Plan Have ensure alignment of ENE and Strategic Plan Have focused Department on 5 major projects over two year project with 6 priority areas for 2007-8 Key focus of DCS is to address challenges and lay institutional basis for delivery on White Paper and mandate of rehabilitation and social reintegration of offenders
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