Charleston Conference Making the Most of the Center for Research Libraries: A Members Roundtable Presented by Sylvia Andrychuk and Mary Claire Vandenburg (Queen’s University) with Mary Wilke (CRL) Charleston Conference 5 November 2009
Questions How are member libraries making the most of CRL resources? How are they being promoted? How are faculty using CRL resources?
Session Outline Queen’s University Library context Other CRL member libraries Survey Results Connecting with CRL – Mary Wilke, Member Liaison and Outreach Services Director
Queen’s University Library
Collections 2 million+ monographs 4 million microform units 1.1+ million government documents 8,500 print and microform serials 80,000 electronic serials
July 2006, News Announcement
Links to CRL catalogue in our catalogue
E-Resources Loaded into Catalogue (page 8)
Library News on Homepage
Library News on Homepage
Reference Consultation Service
the 'custom' service for dissertations and newspapers the long loan period speed of delivery the helpful area guides, which may lead researchers to resources of which they were previously unaware Dr. F.P. Lock, Dept. of English “As budgets shrink, specialized research materials will become increasingly less affordable by individual institutions at our level, so I would envisage a co-operative resource such as CRL will become more crucial.”
Usage Statistics of CRL Collections CRL provides detailed usage statistics July 2008 - June 2009 Total Requests: 125 (74 through ILL, 11 filled digitally) Loaned item breakdown provided by CRL indicates monographs, newspapers, serials, dissertations are the top items SAMP serials also very popular
CRL at Member Libraries
http://history. uchicago. edu/about/fields/modern_europe/research
CRL Membership Survey CRL delivered survey to members August 27 - Oct 28 2009 29 respondents (~12%)
Q#1. How long has your institution been a CRL member? 29 surveys answered
Q#2. In your experience, who on campus is using CRL resources? 1= the most 4= the least
Q#3. How are faculty using CRL resources at your institution?
Q#3. How are faculty using CRL resources at your institution? “After today, I will probably contact some faculty and tell them about your subject specific webinars” “Materials for students working on independent projects (esp. senior thesis).”
Q#4. How are CRL resources promoted at your library?
Q#4. How are CRL resources promoted at your library? Information literacy sessions ILL borrowing gets questions from users, who either heard about CRL from faculty or librarians Presentations to Faculty that included a CRL component On-campus session sponsored by CRL New member as of July 2009; have yet to promote resources [my university] has a draft of a webpage about CRL resources/services which we hope to launch soon
Q. 5 What factors affect how much your researchers use CRL resources? Knowledge of resources by patrons Discoverability – catalogue and website Catalogued and uncatalogued material at CRL Loading CRL records locally Local load has potentially misrepresented the full extent of CRL collections Depth of collection
Q. 5 What factors affect how much your researchers use CRL resources? Ease of borrowing Librarian awareness and promotion Reference, instruction, subject guides Targeted promotion to select user groups Relevance of collections for faculty (research and teaching)
CRL Support for Member Libraries