I survived the sinking of the Titanic, 1912
1 George and his sister Phoebe were with her Aunt Daisy for 2 months in London to see her. George and Phoebes mom had died. After their visit, they needed to get back to their dad in New York. They got First class Passenger tickets for the long ride on the Titanic, and it was the maiden voyage for the ship.
2 They met this guy named Mr. Andrews and asked some questions about the ship. Mr. Andrews is the man that designed the Titanic. George was thinking about building a ship when he is a adult.
3 Mr. Andrews told him about some unusual cargo. There was an Egyptian mummy in the ship that was over 250,000 years old. It was heading for a museum in New York. George wanted to see the mummy so he snuck out of bed in the middle of the night to look for it in the first class baggage room.
Note George brought a knife with him for protection. It was a very sharp one and no one went near it.
4 George could not find the mummy because there was this scar headed guy blocking him. That’s when Phoebe went looking for George. It took a while, but George and Aunt Daisy found her. They went back to their cabin and went to sleep.
5 Aunt Daisy and Phoebe woke up George and told him all the first class passengers must get on the deck because the Titanic was sinking. They ran as fast as they could onto the deck. People on deck were crying and wondering what was going to happen to them.
6 There were not enough life boats on the ship, and George had to jump in the water and get on the nearest lifeboat. He found a lifeboat, but the people did not want him on. Thankfully he was able to get on the boat. The cold and spray made it feel like a million needles were stabbing him.
7 George and other survivors went on the Carpathia, which was a ship that came to help them. The Captain sailed them to New York. George thought the two days on the ship were a blur and was happy to be alive.
Exploration: Letter to Author Dear Lauren Tarshis, I love the book I survived the sinking of the Titanic 1912. but I have some questions. How was the ride to George’s house after he got of the ship? Also, did his dad come pick him up when he got to New York? Did he take a taxi? That’s all I want to know. Sincerely, David B, 5th grader, Birmingham Covington School, Bloomfield Hills, MI