Year 5 Autumn Blast from the Past


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Presentation transcript:

Year 5 Autumn 2 2017 Blast from the Past This term our learning is based around life in Southampton during the Battle of Britain.

Year 5 Christmas mini performance linked to RE and English History We will study the Battle of Britain, a turning point in British history, to : develop the appropriate use of historical terms. devise historically valid questions about change, cause, similarity and difference, and significance. select and organise relevant historical information. explain how our knowledge of the past is constructed from a range of sources. Key Skills that will underpin experiences We will be working collaboratively to create an informative and exciting living museum. We will be asking a range of probing questions to gather evidence from a variety of sources. RE and PSHE Continue to develop a growth mindset and apply this to our learning. Explore different emotions through role play and discussion. Investigate the relevance of the magi to Christianity. Maths We will: Improve our written calculations in addition, subtraction, multiplication and a focus in particular on division. Investigate position of 2D shapes and how they are reflected and translated. Use the number skills from Autumn 1 to solve real life problems. Extend our understanding of place value to decimals. Ask and answer statistic questions. English We will: Actively listen to identify relevant information. Record relevant notes to suit the purpose. Use facts and opinions to create a viewpoint. Retrieve, record and present information from non-fiction. Create cohesion through the use of clear paragraphs and conjunctions. Select appropriate vocabulary to match purpose. Spoken Language We will: Develop a viewpoint and maintain this viewpoint either as a specific character or as ourselves in a different era. Engage the listener through voice and body expression, to portray a character of our choosing. Science We will: Explore properties of materials. Compare and group materials. Investigate properties to find most suitable material. . Blast from the Past Physical Education We will: Create our own gymnastic sequences, specifically working on the skills of balance and shape develop flexibility, and core strength improving our stability and impacting our handwriting. Use a variety of positions to create shapes with the support of learning partners and apparatus. Computing We will: Create and debug our own algorithms, using Publisher. Solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts. Use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and correct errors. . Forthcoming Events Blast from the Past: Living Museum. In December the children will be creating a World War Two living museum where they can dress in role . No need to spend money – lots of simple ideas on the internet. You are all invited to investigate our interactive museum, where quite literally, the past comes alive! Clear a space in the diary for Friday 8th December 2017 from 2pm-2:45pm Year 5 Christmas mini performance linked to RE and English Thursday 14th December 2017 9.00 Endeavour Hall Spanish We will be investigating the parts of our body. Through the use of various adjectives we will be comparing body parts between species. Art We will: use sketch books to record from first hand observations and use to develop own ideas to improve our mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing and painting. Evaluate the work of war time artists.

How can you help your child at home? Below are some activities you may like to try with your child How to be an Active reader Here are some questions to help your child develop their reading skills further and think more about the texts they are reading. How has the character changed throughout the story? Describe the picture you have in your mind – which word or phrases has the author used to create this? Identify a theme of your story Explain something which surprised you in this book. Find your favourite sentence/passage in the book – explain why you have chosen this? Which words /phrases do you find interesting? What impact do these words have on the reader? Can you predict what may happen next? Why do you think this? How about recording some answers to any questions you talk about in their Home Learning book so we can see too? Question time! Being a historian involves asking lots of questions. Here are some ideas to develop your historical skills. Interview members of your family - how have their lives have changed since they were children? Find out how your area was affected by big events in history such as World War 2 or the Titanic sinking. What if these events had never happened? Think about whether everyone you speak to has the same feeling and memories about a period of time – why might they have different opinions? Why might books say something different? Who or what is the most accurate source? Why? Ways to support your child Make sure your child attends school punctually every day. Listen to your child read at least three times a week and record it in their home learning diary. Home learning will be sent every Wednesday and is to be handed in by the following Tuesday. We continue to value the home learning and will use it in a variety of ways within the classroom to support the children’s progress. Please continue to use BugClub and Sumdog to support reading and arithmetic. Talk to your child about what they have been learning and how they are improving their skills. Work on the homework tasks set – have fun as a family and learn about the past together!