Prof . Saeed Abdallah Prof. of physics Benha University Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra Department of Engineering Mathematics and Physics Prof . Saeed Abdallah Prof. of physics Head of the department
Objective Encourage scientific research in the department Enhance the research co-operation with the others department of the collage
Number of students Six groups 48 section Number of students 1200 student Six groups 48 section
Staff. Members
Department labs. 1– Physic lab. 2- Chemistry lab. 3 – Mechanics lab.
Field of research photoacoustic and photothermal spectroscopy, Rama spectroscopy, and micro-Raman spectroscopy. FTIR Spectroscopy, Laser Applications. Optical , thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity of solid. Nanostructures, nanotechnology, and photovoltaic solar cells (Quantum dot sensitized solar cells and day sensitized solar cell) Electrical, magnetic and structure properties of semiconductors. Study of the physical properties of the electronic , plasmonic and magnonic crystal. Electro chemistry, Organic chemistry, Polymer chemistry, water titration , corrosion preventation and water treatment
Project : Synthesis and characterization of nanoparticles and polymer nanocomposities for electrical and mechanical application
Laser lab. Equipment at LPTU. Argon Lasers 6w Nd-Yag Laser (500mJ) 30 plus per second FTIR-Raman (JASCO) Photoacoustic FTIR (JASCO)
Published Papers
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