1 John 3:16 “We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.”


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Presentation transcript:

1 John 3:16 “We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.”

Suffer For Doing What Is Right 3:18-4:2 1 Peter 3 Suffer For Doing What Is Right 3:18-4:2

Suffer For Doing What Is Right The Theme of Peter’s Epistle This Pleases God. JESUS CHRIST IS THE REASON

JESUS CHRIST IS THE REASON Christ Did This. Christ Gave Us the Ability to Do It. Christ Gave Us the Motivation to Do It.

JESUS CHRIST IS THE REASON To Do This You Have to Put to Death the Flesh (4:1-2). Living in The Flesh Suffering in the Flesh

#1 – Christ Did It 2:21-24 Christ Suffered For Doing Right That He Might BRING US TO GOD. Christ Was Put to Death in the Flesh…We are to Put the Flesh to Death (Rom. 6). Christ Preached that Life Can Come Out of Death (Made Alive in the Spirit).

#2 – Christ Gave You the Ability to Do It. This Ability Came Through the Waters of Baptism…Through the Resurrection of Christ (21). You Were Made Alive Through Water Just Like Noah. That Same Water Judged Others. Baptism Is for Those Who Want to be Right With God.

#3 – Christ Gave You the Motivation He Shows It Can Be Done. He Shows What It Accomplishes (18, 21) He Shows Us How Much He Wants Us to Do It (18). He Shows Us That Our Persecutors Are Not Really In Charge (22). SO DON’T LET THEM HAVE CHARGE OVER YOUR LIFE.

Which Path Will You Take? Living in The Flesh Suffering in the Flesh