Operations Event Report Enhancement
What has Changed and Why Updates to GMS have been completed to enhance the OER process in alignment with the FOM. Additional new and improved features have also been implemented based on feedback. This features have been designed to enable more consistency in reporting and review of OERs towards achieving continuous improvement across the company. Training will be made available to all users to assist in the implementation of the update.
Operation Event Reporting Policy Operational Event Reports (OER) captures and records all operational events caused by people, equipment, procedure or environmental condition that interrupts the progress of the well operations The Purpose of the OER policy is to ensure that: Downtime events and other significant operational events that result in non productive time are recorded properly and consistently. Events are investigated, including the failure analysis of parts when prudent in the case of equipment failures Action is taken to prevent reoccurrence and recorded in the report. Data collected in these reports will be used proactively for equipment performance studies. Lessons are identified from the review of these events and shared across the Company. HQS-OPS-PP-01 Sec. 2. Sub. 3
Overview of Key OER Reporting Enhancements Issue (current process) Solutions (new Process) OER type was classified incorrectly. OER type is automatically selected based on details of the event provided. 2 types of reports were available for equipment failure events (EFR and MEF). The process was simplified to allow all equipment failure events to utilize a single OER type. The process did not allow multiple SMEs on the rig modify an OER prior to sending to the OIM OER can now be delegated to various personnel on the rig prior to sending to the OIM. This allows for SMEs on the rig to contribute to the report. Inability to associate operational events with other report types (HSE incidents, DP events, FOCUS items). OERs can now be associated with other reports in GMS. This provides the capability to understand the full impact of the event. Inconsistent reporting of primary modes of failure. Standardized dropdown list of primary modes of failure which enables rig and fleet failure analysis. No dedicated area to record lessons learned opportunities. Ability to capture specific lessons learned opportunities that can be reviewed by SMEs for fleet wide applications . Lack of dedicated field for value added or supplemental information. A supplemental input field was added with a 500 character count limit. Unable to track the sharing / communication workflow through onshore support. Ability for Corporate Operations Performance Review Team to refer an OER to shore based support personnel.
FAQs If you have any further question or comments, please contact Q: Did the policy regarding OERs change with this enhancement? A: No, We are now updating GMS to reflect the policy update which occurred last year. The Operational Event Reporting Policy information regarding the policy can be found here. Q: Is training available on this? A: Yes, training has been developed for the OER process. It is recommended that all GMS users review the available trainings . All necessary training materials will be made accessible to all user at the time of release. Q: How long should training take? A: Training is organized by position and should be able to be completed in 15-20 minutes. Q: What happens to historical reports with the new OER type designations? A: Data captured in historically reports will not change. Only earlier report types that are no longer defined in the Policy will be automatically reassigned: PEF PER EFR MER MEF MER Q: Will the method for assessing downtime change? A: No, Rig Downtime will be still be based on all online events (critical path) that are caused by equipment failures and procedural errors (MER and PER). If you have any further question or comments, please contact Corporate Performance and Operations