What does a Chemist do anyway? What is Chemistry? Click above for video What does a Chemist do anyway?
Chemistry Prepare Pg. 9 with a title UNIT 1 SWYK Quizzes 8 9 Bubble Blowout Experiment UNIT 1 SWYK Quizzes Chemistry
Bubble Blowout Experiment 8 9 Bubble Blowout Experiment Now fold and tape your new Unit Organizer into your ISN like this >>>>>>>>> T A P e
Our bodies are made of chemicals Our bodies are made of chemicals. When we eat, breathe, or just sit down, chemical reactions are taking place. In fact all matter is made from some kind of chemicals so chemistry is the study of everything.
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CHEMISTRY MATTER Periodic Table of Elements Phase Changes The Unit Organizer 4 BIGGER PICTURE DATE Everything is made of matter. 2 LAST UNIT Nature of Science /Experience CHEMISTRY NEXT UNIT /Experience 1 CURRENT UNIT CURRENT UNIT 3 Physics 8 UNIT Vocabulary 5 UNIT MAP is about... Matter Element Atom Sub-atomic Proton Neutron Electron Molecule Pure Substance Compound Density Mixture Solvent Solute Solubility Volume Mass Weight Phase change Melting/Boiling/Freezing Points Physical Properties Matter Element Atom Sub-atomic Proton Neutron Electron Molecule Compound Density Mixture Solvent Solute Solubility Volume Mass Phase change The study of matter, what its made of and changes of state Properties MATTER Periodic Table of Elements Phase Changes 6.P.2 Understand the structure, classification and physical properties of matter. - Matter is made of atoms – elements - Heat affects particles in matter and causes phase changes - Substances have properties like density, boiling points, melting points and solubility 6 Classifying Compare & Contrast Cause & Effect Descriptive Essential Standards RELATIONSHIPS UNIT 7
The study of matter, what its made of and changes of state The Unit Organizer SELF-TEST QUESTIONS NEW UNIT Expanded Unit Map is about... 9 10 CHEMISTRY The study of matter, what its made of and changes of state Can be identified by... Properties MATTER All things are made of... Organized in the.... MASS Phase Changes Can physically go through... Periodic Table Of Elements ATOMS VOLUME SOLID DENSITY MOLECULES LIQUID SOLUBILITY COMPOUNDS GAS How do substances compare and contrast to each other? Why do some things float while others sink? How does matter behave during phase changes?
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Quizlet Vocabulary Now, click on the link below to go to Quizlet. You will copy ALL THE words and definitions down on ISN pg. 10 write small enough to fit them all on one page. When you are done with all 15 words, you can use the remainder of time to play any of the games on quizlet with your vocab words from this unit. https://quizlet.com/224045068/chemistry-unit-flash-cards/