How to do a bibliography How to do a bibliography/reference section at the end of an essay or report The Harvard system!
What will you learn by the end of this presentation? What the difference is between a bibliography and a reference section Why it’s important to be accurate when putting together your bibliography The definition of ‘plagiarism' Why creativity is not part of writing a bibliography Oh yes, how to do a basic one, using the Harvard system!
Bibliography or Reference section? Refers to any book,journal, newspaper, CD or internet site you have quoted in your essay or report. Bibliography A list of all books, CDs, internet sites,journals or newspapers you used for research – whether quoted in your essay/report or not.
Why be accurate? You are using someone else’s work Your tutors often know the sources and will notice inaccuracy Your tutors may want to look up something they don’t know and will use your reference to find it It’s a mark of a conscientious student and a bibliography/reference section counts in your overall mark
What is ‘plagiarism? Plagiarism is an ‘academic’ word for stealing. It may be accidental but if you don’t reference your research, you are suggesting that it is your own work. Plagiarism is forgetting to reference someone’s work, or copying someone’s work without saying whose it is.
Don’t be creative…Do what you’re told! This is harsh, but there is no room for creativity in a bibliography/reference section Follow the guidelines set by your tutor (often the Harvard method) and don’t improvise Your marks for your bibliography (reference) section are dependent on doing it right!
What information do you need to get started? The exact: Title of the book, magazine,journal, newspaper article, CD, internet site The author (or authors) when possible The publisher The publication date The place of publication closest to where you live
Write this information down every time you take notes! This is the key to success and will save you so much time over your academic career! (Ask me how I know this sometime…)
This is what it should look like: Basic Book Reference Last name of author, (comma) Initial of author. (full stop) Date of publication in brackets ( ), (comma) Title of publication underlined or in bold, (comma) Place of publication closest to where you live, (comma) Name of Publisher. (full stop) This is what it should look like: Thorpe,M. (1988),Adult Learning, Milton Keynes,Open University Press.
Journal articles Author(s). (year of publication). Title of article. Title of journal, volume number, (issue number), month or season, page numbers. <click> Schwartz, M. T. (1976). Evolving ecosystems: role in dinosaur extinction. Nature, 12 (8), 16-17. only use if there is no issue number
Full-text journal articles from electronic databases Author(s). (year of publication) Article title. Title of journal, volume number (issue number), page numbers, Retrieved month day, year, from database name. <click> Wrubel, R. (1998). Biotechnology: right or wrong? BioScience, 48, 210-211. Retrieved March 9, 2000, from Expanded Academic ASAP database
Web pages In-text referencing the same as printed items, i.e., (author, date) – (Louie, 1996) Bibliography – Author(s). (year). Title. Retrieved month day, year, from: url <click> Louie, J. (1996). Earth’s interior. Retrieved August 13, 2002, from /ftp/pub/louie/class/100/interior.html
No author Some items have no author particularly web pages and newspaper articles as well as some books Title. (edition). (publication year). Place of Publication: Publisher. <click> Concise dictionary of biology (New ed.). (1990). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
What’s next? You need to learn how to use quotes and references in the body of the essay or report This will be covered in class You also need to learn how to put down sources from the internet, magazines, books with more than one author, journals, newspapers and CD Roms! This is outlined in the long guide found under ‘Course Documents’ on the Blackboard Access Study Skills site