Math Interventions with Mrs. Martelli AKA Differentiated Student Support
What is Math Intervention? 2nd Touch of Math Small Group Instruction Using Interactive Student Notebooks (ISNs) Think Through Math Internet-based program to fill in gaps of learnings Curriculum- 7th and 8th grade on Arizona’s Career and College Readiness Standards Deer Valley Unified School District Curriculum Eureka Math Skills & Strategies
Teacher Recommendation Past Grades Duration Enrollment Test Scores Teacher Recommendation Past Grades Duration
I want to help students succeed in life! More than just math! I want to help students succeed in life! We discuss and practice Top 20 skills and strategies. EQ is just as important as IQ Students need to think for themselves
The 8 Standards for Mathematical Practice The 8 Standards for Mathematical Practice (part of Arizona College & Career Readiness Standards) Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Model with mathematics. Use appropriate tools strategically. Attend to precision. Look for and make use of structure. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Behavior, Motivation, Communication All expectations from Handbooks Class Dojo Classroom Reward Bingo Motivation Top 20 Work for Class Rewards Think Through Math Leader boards Prize Box Communication Website Contact Info Michelle.Martelli (602) 467-6547 Room 311
Nightly Expectations No “homework” is assigned The only “homework” will be: Unfinished classwork Absent make-up work Students can work on Think Through Math
Mrs. Martelli 14th Year Teaching Married for almost 10 years Taught for 7 years in WESD Shaw Butte 5th Grade Taught for 4 years in Dysart Riverview School 5th Grade for 2 years Riverview School 7th & 8th Grade Math Intervention for 2 years This is my 3rd year here Masters Degree in Education Math Specialist Reading Specialist Middle School Endorsement Married for almost 10 years Mom of 2 active boys Joe, 8 years old Tony, 5 years old Born & Raised in Arizona