Erica Myers, Christopher Denning, Tina Stanton-Chapman,Ph.D Handheld Computer System for Collecting Real time Observational Data of Young Children Erica Myers, Christopher Denning, Tina Stanton-Chapman,Ph.D
Purpose of Observation Why does one observe behavior? complement standardized assessments IQ tests, personality tests,behavior scales What are the types of observation? Video vs. Live What does one observe? interactions
Technology Components of Observation Handheld devices Concision Reliable Mooses Program Allows for easy and quick notation of observation in time increments
Handheld Computer MiniMoose 3.0.5
Play Code Event-positive/negative measures of autonomous behaviors or aggression while playing Duration-codes used to specify play behaviors of children For Event Codes Child Initiated- (CI) Target Child Initiated Play/Positive Peer Response ( CN) Target Child Initiated Play/Negative Peer Response. Peer Initiated-(PI) Peer Initiated Play Positive- Target Positive Response (PN)- Peer Initiated Play Positive- Target- Negative Response. Aggression- CA- Target Child Aggression to peer- (PA) Peer Aggression to Target- AA- Adult Directed Aggression- DB- Disruptive Behavior Durational Measures Code Interacting with Teachers IT On- Task/ Off-Task Behavior IN FD Play Behaviors Solitary Play/Alone UN SPC SPF ON PP Interacting with Peers AP CPE CPU Other Behaviors XX
Participants Children enrolled in Head Start Programs 4 years of age Children have language delays and problem behavior Internalizing Externalizing Internalizing: withdrawn, depressed, inhibited behaviors Externalizing: aggression, delinquency, antisocial behavior
Reliability Before one is eligible for coding, one must be properly trained All coders must have a reliability of a minimum of 80% on four consecutive play sessions Consistency on behavioral definitions and play sessions is essential
Video clip
Handheld Computer Notation for Video Clip Start FollowDir EqCoop
Mini Moose Text File for Video Clip Events 07/14/08 7:00pm IT,0 FD,0 AP,0 XX,0 FD,12 CPE,12 IN,14 FD,27 IN,28 PP,29 FD,42 PP,43 FD,57 PP,57 -500,60
Thanks My mentor (Tina) and co-mentor (Chris) SURP- UVA The Leadership Alliance