ETCF-II is co-funded by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey Presentation of the 21 ETCF II Partnerships Internationalize SMEs Eskişehir Chamber of Industry ETCF-II is implemented by EUROCHAMBRES& TOBB TOBB
ETCF-II is co-funded by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey Project At a Glance Title: Internationalize SMEs Partners: - Stuttgart Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Kütahya Chamber of Commerce and Industry Budget: € 118.672,89 Duration: 12 months ETCF-II is implemented by EUROCHAMBRES& TOBB TOBB
ETCF-II is co-funded by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey Objectives (1) Overall objective of the project is to internationalize SMEs in Eskişehir and Kütahya for increasing their global competitiveness and creating opportunities for new partnerships and investments. ETCF-II is implemented by EUROCHAMBRES& TOBB TOBB
ETCF-II is co-funded by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey Objectives (2) The specific objectives of the project are to: Determine the needs and requirements of regional industry in terms of export promotion, Increase the awareness of SMEs in related EU business practices and regulations, Create opportunities for member companies in order to increase the export capacity and commercial relationships between regions, Introduce the industrial capabilities of Eskişehir/Kütahya for promoting investment opportunities in target sectors, Improve the capacity of Turkish Chambers in terms of better internationalization services to member companies, Develop social dialogue between project partners. ETCF-II is implemented by EUROCHAMBRES& TOBB TOBB
ETCF-II is co-funded by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey Activities (1) Establishing the project team and initiating the project, Conducting a Foreign Trade Needs Survey for local SMEs, Implementing Trainings on Foreign Trade Management and EU Practices in Eskişehir and Kütahya, ETCF-II is implemented by EUROCHAMBRES& TOBB TOBB
ETCF-II is co-funded by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey Activities (2) 4. SME Internationalization Module; a. Trade Missions including matchmaking meetings, networking events and company visits to Stuttgart and Eskişehir b. Participation in an International Event/Fair in Stuttgart 5. Preparing the project website and brochure 6. Organizing a closure conference to disseminate project results and share the knowledge gained by the project. ETCF-II is implemented by EUROCHAMBRES& TOBB TOBB
ETCF-II is co-funded by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey Expected Results (1) A Foreign Trade Survey on at least 100 SMEs from target industries will be conducted for the region, Knowledge on foreign trade and internationalization of at least 40 Turkish SMEs will be raised, The export capacity of local companies will be increased by participation of at least 30 SMEs in Trade Missions to Stuttgart and Eskişehir, ETCF-II is implemented by EUROCHAMBRES& TOBB TOBB
ETCF-II is co-funded by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey Expected Results (2) 4. Promotion of industrial capabilities of Eskişehir/Kütahya for investment opportunities will be done by participating in an international event/fair organized in Stuttgart, 5. Social dialog between Turkish and European partners will be improved; the network will be established for long term cooperation and partnership. ETCF-II is implemented by EUROCHAMBRES& TOBB TOBB
ETCF-II is co-funded by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey Thank you for your attention! ETCF-II is implemented by EUROCHAMBRES& TOBB TOBB