3.2 Series of Continuous , constant-holdup Stirred-tank Reactors V1, k1 V2, k2 V3, k3 F1 F2 F3 F0 CA0 CA1 CA3 CA2
Example 3.2 Assumptions Perfectly mixed reactors in series Simple first-order isothermal reaction takes place A---->B T,V of the three tanks can be different, but both T and V are assumed to be constant. Density is constant throughout the system, which is a binary mixture of A and B. Task: How does composition of A vary with time?
Example 3.2 Equations of model / Total mass balance F is defined as the throughput
Example 3.2 Mass balance of A The variables that must be specified before these equations can be solved: F and CA0 The initial values of the three concentrations must be known.
Example 3.6 C. Lumped jacket model The jacket volume is broken up into a number of perfectly mixed “lumps” . TJ4 Q4 Q3 TJ3 T Q2 TJ2 FJ TJ0 Q1 TJ1
Example 3.6 C. Lumped jacket model An energy equation is needed for each lump