Accessing Google Classroom: MYP Personal Projects (3 slides) This year, all paperwork for the personal project will be uploaded to Google Classroom. (If your final product is a 3-D item, book, or event, be sure to take LOTS of photos for submission as part of your process journal – these are essential as proof of your completed project.) While you are working on your project, all due dates and forms will be available in Google classroom for quick upload/editing. You may also use your Google account to keep all of your work in the Cloud: This makes it accessible from any computer with Internet! All students in AACPS have a Google account and MUST use the AACPS account (not their personal account) to access our Google Classroom.
2. Once logged in, click "more“ and access "Google Classroom." Log in with student number (ex: at You may NOT use your personal Gmail account. This will take you to a second screen - type in your AACPS email address again, then your password for logging in to AACPS computers. 2. Once logged in, click "more“ and access "Google Classroom." (If you cannot find the app, open a second browser window and type in OR search for it on Google)
3. Use the access code listed above (31n94ty) to join my classroom