Gunpowder Revolution
Creation of Gunpowder Gunpowder is believed to have been created in China during the 9th century. Used in fireworks, some references to spears with gunpowder propellant. Gunpowder (aka Black powder) is a mix of sulphur, charcoal, and potassium or sodium nitrate First evidence of gunpowder in use is a manuscript from 1325. Primitive cannon firing at the walls of La Rochelle (France). First valid evidence of use in warfare was the Battle of Crecy 1346 (France). Extremely dangerous in the beginning. Exploding cannons, Soldiers lighting themselves on fire etc…
First Cannons / Fire Arms Shot Gunpowder Fuse
Use of Cannons Mercenary artillerymen hire themselves out to nobles. Later monarchs (kings & Queens) develop a special artillery branch. Cannons used in sieges. Heavy and immobile. Transportation poor and slow. Roads not good. Supply trains (guns, powder, men, ammunition) need large amount of support (horse, oxen) which in turn needs support.
Cannons Develop Wrought Iron – Bronze -- Cast Iron Cast Iron lighter and allows for the development of mobility. King Gustavus Adolphus (Sweden) in the 16th century developed smaller guns that could be used in the field. This development continues, lighter, bigger, powerful. Ammo develops Stone shot – Iron shot – Canister – Grape Shot Muzzle loading is most common. Some breach loaders but lose favor until future developments. Cannon, Mortar, Howitzer
Infantry changes during the Military Renaissance 15th Century started with Pikemen, Halberdiers (spear with axe blade & hook) and Archers. Musketeers slowly replace archers. Spanish formation called a Tercios “Spanish square” Mixed infantry formation of about 3,000 pikemen and musketeers. Pikemen would protect musketeers while they reloaded. Huge formation and not very moble.
Changes of Gustavus Adolphus Gustavus Adolphus made important changes to infantry for the future. Lightened the musket so you didn’t need a support stick. Fixed cartridge (incorporated charge and ball together). Higher rate of fire. Reduced number of pikemen. Reduced ranks of musketeers from 10 to 6. More flexible formation. Rather than big blocks (tercios) Ranks of musketeers develop. The last great development is the bayonet. Eliminates the need for pikemen.