WWW.SCAUWG.ORG Mike Jesch • Richard Eastman (714) 588-9346 (714) 404-3325
LA BASIN HOT SPOTS The Los Angeles one of the most complex airspace areas in the world. It is complex due to combination of factors not found anyplace else The Basin is geographically constrained by mountains and sea. The mountains that range to 11,000 feet; and nothing to the west but ocean. The airspace serves between 13 and 15 million people; one of the largest population centers in the world. The region’s year-round good-flying weather is the largest center of mixed aviation users in the country – from beginning student pilots and schools to airlines and their highly trained air transport pilots; and including varied range of military operations, air taxi services, commercial operators, emergency, police, fire and other general service aircraft to media reporting and charter services. SCAUWG has identified 10 major HotSpots within the Basin. A complete PowerPoint presentation that features each of the 10 aerial HotSpots can be accessed here.
TERRAIN 1548 Everyone should be aware of the mtns shown. But, we’ve had people go out at night and fly into them. East of El Toro a few yrs back.
CLASS B, C, D AIRSPACE Just a quick look. Remember, also parachute jump areas and hang-gliding.
LA BASIN “HOT SPOTS” 10. Magic Mountain area - VFR low route over Gorman - jet aircraft arrivals - into VNY/Burbank - hang gliders 2. El Monte area - helicopter & fixed wing practice - banner tows - speedway 1. Simi Valley with complex air carrier departures/arrivals in a narrow area for VFR traffic 9. Santa Monica area - departures /arrivals - LAX airspace transitions 3. Corona area - Santa Ana canyon - VFR traffic squeezed between terrain & airspace 8. Multiple operations - helicopters, police/traffic watch/commercial 4. KAYOH intersection - air carriers descending for SNA/LGB 7. VFR practice area with LGB departures 5. Eva & Emmy oil platforms - high volume & mix of traffic arriving & departing SNA - downwind for LGB practice ILS 6. ALBAS intersection - VFR instrument practice - air carriers on TANDY arrival
OAPM – Optimization of Airspace and Procedures in the Metroplex
Probable LAX Class B Airspace Modifications Required for Safety
Class C at LGB as Proposed in 2010
New Proposed LGB Class C Airspace 2011
LGB Proposed Class C Airspace Meetings The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will hold two informal airspace meetings regarding a plan to establish the Long Beach Class C airspace area. The purpose of the meetings is to solicit aeronautical comments on the proposal’s effect on the planned action (FAA Order 7400.2) DATES: October 25 and October 26, 2011 TIME: 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. (both nights) PLACE: Holiday Inn Long Beach Airport (both nights) 2640 N. Lakewood Blvd. Long Beach, CA 90815
WWW.SCAUWG.ORG Mike Jesch • Richard Eastman (714) 588-9346 (714) 404-3325