FURTHER READING AND STAYING CONTEMPORARY! Pick up a copy of this EVERYDAY! Hyperlink for the guardian is the logo Visit the Guardian Online EVERYDAY – The exam board recommends this so you can keep a log/diary of changes to the technological landscape within the Media.
Media in the Online Age - Revision – L27 Friday 26th April 2013 Unit G325: Section B – Critical Perspectives in Media
Aims & Objectives Why? AO1 Re-cap prior learning of theory/key terms. Continue with the Research Task set last lesson and explore HOW your case study example conforms to some of the key theories/ideologies/terms we have covered so far. Look at the Mark scheme expectations for answering a Media in the Online Age question and answer the 4 set questions in pairs. Double Lesson – Complete some Section A – 1 b) practice based on the Audience Key Concept. Review the learning. AO1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of media concepts, contexts and critical debates, using terminology appropriately and with accurate and coherent written expression.
WHAT DO YOU ALREADY KNOW? Jenkins – (200_) defined convergence as… the “co-operation between multiple m____ industries” in providing media c_________s with the “kinds of entertainment experiences they want”. edia onsumer
WHAT DO YOU ALREADY KNOW? Analogue Definition: “The ‘old’ ways in which media has been distributed in the past – e.g through television, film, radio etc.” How can I apply this is in the exam? - Discuss who social networking has changed the media landscape from traditional products like this to converging technology like You tube and social networking access through mobile phone technology.
WHAT DO YOU ALREADY KNOW? Jackie Cosh – “Social Networking has become an es_______ part of the contemporary working World” (The Times – 2nd April 200 _) sential 8
MAIN TASK - COMPLETION 15 Minutes YOU MUST use the table that has been emailed to you to complete some research and provide an overview of HOW your product applies to some key theories that we have covered so far. YOU SHOULD give clear explanations and where relevant provide facts/statistics' to demonstrate your understanding. YOU COULD, for revision, use the document to learn the case study examples that you have learnt so far – for example social media, video sharing, VOD/Catch up TV, iPhone, News Corporation, Disney etc.
Mark Scheme 25 Minutes – PAIRS TASK YOU MUST produce a PEA Paragraph for EACH of these questions so you have an idea of what is expected of you in terms of addressing a question for this topic. YOU SHOULD give case study examples and theory to support your understanding. See Page of the Blog Mark Scheme
25 Minutes – 10 to plan and Prepare YOU MUST answer the question and be prepared to submit your answer for marking. YOU SHOULD give examples from your A2 Production work and use resources such as the handout you have been provided to help you complete the task. YOU SHOULD also use the advice on the Blog and look at exemplar answers to help you complete this task – Your A2 Evaluation would be useful for this task.
Homework: FINISH your Individual Case Study research Produce a “Media Log Book” that summarises the events of Technology changes/advances from Monday 22nd – Monday 29th April – Vist the guardian online. REVISE! Due: Wednesday 1st May