Implementing Voyager Course Reserves Welcome Be a Resource person Inherited a system of item types, procedures, thought processes 1st – initial testing & implementation (Jun – Jul 02) 2nd – volunteered mid-Oct 02 more experience & full access to the manuals Felt that I might have something to share 3rd – April EndUser & its aftermath… Know even more, due to testing for EndUser presentation & access to SupportWeb Afterwards, having been inspired seeing several other ways of doing e-Reserves I began testing… In the process of recommending changing our e-Item creation to Item creation – this alone could easily be a 20 min talk. I hope my presentation can help everyone, but particularly any just starting My experience is based upon version 2001.1 Mark Lindner
Minimal requirements to create a Reserve list and add Items Create List Header Link course Add an Item or an E-Item Other critically important things… Areas to be covered
This PowerPoint presentation Reserve Documentation History – list of all Course Reserve documents Course Reserve standards (2 pp.) – currently approved standards Include our standards & their sources, examples of, & items of great use that I’ll only mention: Res Doc History CR Stds Handouts
Standards Developing standards that allow for: control of data entry control of display issues successful implementation of Course Reserves enables, allows, and provides for: staff to efficiently & effectively implement course reserves teaching faculty & students to concentrate on use of resources quick resolution of atypical cases Simply makes everyone’s life easier… Before we get started, a word from our sponsor… Standards
Minimal steps for Reserves Create a Reserve list and add Items Create List Header Link course Add an Item Add an E-Item Minimal steps for Reserves
Create List Header Log-in to the Voyager Circulation client. Choose your Reserve Happening Location. Open the Reserve function by clicking on the Reserve icon Create List Header
The Reserve List Search dialog box opens, click Cancel to dismiss it. Right click in the upper portion of the Reserve List Header. Choose Create New List The Create New Reserve List dialog box opens. Fill in the dialog box: The current date must fall within these effective dates for the course to appear in WebVoyage. Reserve Location and Reserve Item Type are the temporary location & item type which display when an Item is On Reserve. Create List Header
Minimal steps for Reserves Create a Reserve list and add Items Create List Header Link course Add an Item Add an E-Item Minimal steps for Reserves
Link Reserve List to Courses Right click in the Linked Courses pane at the bottom of the Reserve List Header Choose Link Courses Link Reserve List to Courses dialog box appears: Fill in all drop-down boxes Department Instructor Link Reserve List to Courses
Link Reserve List to Courses Cont: Fill in all drop-down boxes Course Section (this search tab will be removed from the new ILCSO WebVoyage page) Click Link Link Reserve List to Courses
Minimal steps for Reserves Create a Reserve list and add Items Create List Header Link course Add an Item Add an E-Item Minimal steps for Reserves
Add an Item Added in various ways Templates & Circbib.cfg Item Add Bib/Item From Item tab in a Reserve List Header Templates & Circbib.cfg Items can be added from 2 functions within the Circulation client From the Item function From the Reserve function (we’ll use this way) and of course, in Cataloging Add an Item
Add an Item Items can be added in various ways in the Reserve function 1: by barcode 2: by searching in the database (by title, subject, etc. – standard Search dialog box) 3: by copying items from another reserve list (brings all Items, but no E-Items) 4: by creating and adding On-the-Fly Choose Create and Add Bib/Item This will open your default Item template Add an Item
Templates are used to create and add Items On-the-Fly. This is the default Book Item template. Templates are configurable, and controlled by the circbib.cfg file. Default Template
Our Bib Template Controlled by Circbib.cfg Order of templates depends on order in Circbib.cfg Is machine-specific E-Item is the default on the 2 E-Reserves production machines & mine. The terminals belonging to the staff in the Main Reserve Room have PHOTOCOPY as the default. Keep backups of circbib.cfg & any customization of Bib & Holdings templates in Cataloging Make read-only Fill in Author & Title Our Bib Template Controlled by Circbib.cfg
Choose Location & Call No. Type Fill in Call Number Holdings tab
Item tab Choose Temp Location & Item Type Change Copy as appropriate Fill in Item Barcode Click OK Item tab
Items must be turned On for Temporary Location & Item Type to display in WebVoyage Select the Item, right click in the Items tab and choose On Reserve. Notice how the Item Type changed. Location also changed, but the Permanent & Temp Item Types are the same. Multiple Items may be selected with normal Windows commands. Turn Item On Reserve
Minimal steps for Reserves Create a Reserve list and add Items Create List Header Link course Add an Item Add an E-Item Minimal steps for Reserves
E-Items Added in various ways New from E-Item tab in a Reserve List Header New Bib, Holding & E-Item New Holding & E-Item to current Bib New E-Item to current Bib & Holding Add E-Item by ID Number E-Items can be added in various ways: From the E-Items tab of a Reserve List Header (as E-Items) In a combination of Circulation and Cataloging clients (as Items with URLs) E-Items
Fill in Author & title E-Item Bib tab Controlled by Circbib.cfg
E-Item Holding tab Choose Location and Call No. Type Fill in Call Number E-Item Holding tab
E-Item tab Fill in Link Caption & Link / URL Link Caption can use basic HTML tags, such as Bold E-Item tab
Record the E-Item ID
Call No. Display An example of our Call Nos & how they display Keep in mind that the fields used as data elements in the search are not displayed COURSE ADJ 101: ENDUSER 2003 Call No. Display
For: List Headers Items E-Items Field character limits Reference standards What you need / Resources Please see: Lindner, MR. Standards Development for Course Reserves in Voyager, presented at EndUser 2003 (on SupportWeb)
Decisions Suppress Items from OPAC? Item creation location – Cat or Circ? E-Items Use? Creation format – E-Item or Item? Voyager design issues, such as: Field sizes Necessary data versus optional data Conceptual Issues • Impact - - Some fields must contain data, some are optional, & you have important control over some • Choices - Reference sources - Our Materials are Inherited : PHOTOCOPY, BOX ITEM, PERS COPY, E-ITEM, and cataloged monographs. - We use Other as Call No. Type; with the corresponding Call #s of PHOTOCOPY, BOX ITEM, PERS COPY, E-ITEM We want the Call # to show up in the initial WebVoyage search screen; so as not to have to go to the item record Decisions
Implementing Voyager Course Reserves Thank you Mark Lindner
Please feel free to contact me Mark R. Lindner Campus Box 8900 Milner Library Illinois State University Normal, IL 61790-8900 (309) 438-5440 Please feel free to contact me