numbers in Chinese Yuna
Most lucky numbers
二 (èr) "good things come in pairs"
“喜”(xǐ)- Happiness
六(Liù) "flow" and “smooth” “Double 6” –Everything goes smoothly Fortune will flow in and business will go smoothly
Fortune will flow in and business will go smoothly
八 (bā) 8(bā)= 發(fā) "wealth"
Opening ceremony of the Olympics in Beijing
began on 8/8/08 at 8 seconds and 8 minutes past 8 pm local time 8:08:08
Phone number Flight number UA 888 License Plate
associate with emperor 九(jiǔ) 九(jiǔ) =Long lasting associate with emperor
Most Unlucky Numbers
四 (sì) 四 (sì)=死 (sǐ) death
七 (qī) 七 (qī)=气 (qì)angry July-ghost month
Counting numbers in Chinese
yī Easy
èr Earth
Sān Santa
Sì Ssssnake
Wǔ Woman
Practice 1-5
liù Leo
qī Cheeese
jiǔ Jeo
líng Lindsey
Let’s Count Down !