Reviewing The A.D. 70 Doctrine The Prophecy Of The End Of All Things
Its Identifying Terms Formal name is “Realized Eschatology” Eschatology = study of last things, end times Realized = has already been accomplished All things re: the end of time (2nd coming, the resurrection, the judgment, etc.) has already taken place
Its Identifying Terms Common name is “A.D. 70 Doctrine” 4 All Biblical prophecy and teaching was “realized” or accomplished when Jerusalem was destroyed in A.D. 70 Sometimes called the “Max King Theory” Author of the book The Spirit Of Prophecy (1971, rev. 2002) 4
Its Main Beliefs 1st century Judaism was “smothering” the church in oppression, persecution by Jewish dominance in Jerusalem We agree…read Acts 8-9 God sent the Romans to destroy Jerusalem in A.D. 70 to “free” the church
Its Main Beliefs A.D. 70 advocates claim this was the “real” beginning of the N.T. church To keep their doctrine from being rejected automatically, A.D. 70 advocates must “redefine” N.T. words & concepts One of their primary texts Ù Mt 24:3, 29-30
Its Main Beliefs 5 of their major targeted areas… The Kingdom Not fully set up (established) until A.D. 70 It did begin on Pentecost (Acts 2), but not with “power & glory” [their distinction] Was it incomplete for these 40 years??
Its Main Beliefs 5 of their major targeted areas… The Kingdom Refuted by Eph 3:20-21 1:17-23 Other writings of Paul equate the “church” with the “kingdom” Col 1:13-14, 17-18 The enthroned King had “power” Mt 26:64
Its Main Beliefs 5 of their major targeted areas… The 2nd Coming Every Biblical mention of the Lord’s return was “figuratively” fulfilled in A.D. 70 Christ came, but not “visibly”…He came “figuratively” to “spiritually” judge Judaism
Its Main Beliefs 5 of their major targeted areas… The 2nd Coming Only 1 passage says “2nd coming” Heb 9:28 Other mentions are literal or figurative…the context will always determine His “coming” in Mt 24 is “figurative,” not “final”
Its Main Beliefs 5 of their major targeted areas… The 2nd Coming Refuted by Acts 1:9-11 1 Thess 4:14-17 Jn 14:2-3 with Mt 24:15-16 Christ’s eventual “final” return will be “visible”