The State of Spartan Health: The 2016 NCHA Survey of MSU Students Larry A. Hembroff, Ph.D. Senior Research Specialist Emeritus September 23, 2016 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
About the Survey NCHA = National College Health Assessment Developed by ACHA and the CORE Institute for the American College Health Association (2000) Administered ~ 500 campuses nationwide, 150 annually Topics Sexual health Alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use Weight, nutrition, and exercise Mental health Personal safety and violence Administration Originally a paper & pencil mail survey Web survey version began in 2003 Major revision of questionnaire in 2008 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
NCHA at MSU First conducted in 2000 Conducted every two years: 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 Random samples of currently enrolled students Undergrads and grads/professionals N = 773 – 1,700 Consistently administered February-March Managed by Office for Survey Research 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
The 2016 NCHA Survey at MSU Total N = 1,003 February 11 – March 16 252 Graduate/Professional Students 751 Undergraduate Students February 11 – March 16 Data file weighted to match demographic profile of enrolled students Spring 2016 re: Grad/undergrad, class, gender, race Response Rate = 16% Overall margin of sampling error < +/- 3.1% 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
Results Profile of Sample 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
Profile of Respondents 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
Profile of Respondents 1 3 2 22.1% vs. 17.6% in 2014 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
Results General Health 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
How Students Rated Their General Health Currently: 2016 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
Percent of Students Rating Their Health as Excellent/Very Good, Fair/Poor: 2000-2016 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
% of Students Diagnosed or Treated for Various Health Problems in Past 12 Months: 2016 vs. 2014 vs. 2012 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
Results Factors Affecting Academic Performance 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
% of Students Having Problems With, Academics Impacted by Various Events/Difficulties in Past Year: 2016 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
% of Students Whose Academics Impacted by Various Events/Difficulties in Past Year: Top 10 … Same top 10 as in 2014 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
% Academically Impaired IF Experience Particular Problem: Top 15 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
Results Stress and Emotional Health 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
Student Ratings of Their Overall Level of Stress Over the Past 12 Months: 2016 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
% of Students for Whom Various Issues Were Traumatic/Very Difficult in Past Year: 2016 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
% of Students for Whom Various Issues Were Traumatic/Very Difficult in Past Year: 2016 vs. 2014 vs. 2012 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
% of Students Feeling Emotionally Challenged, and Actions, by Recency: 2016 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
% of Students Feeling Emotionally Challenged, and Actions, by Recency: 2010-2016 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
Prevalence of Feeling Emotionally Troubled and Relation to Self-Destructive Behavior: 2016 42.9% 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
% of Students Diagnosed/Treated for Various Mental/Emotional Health Problems in Past Year: 2016 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
% of Students Ever Having Received Help/ Treated for Emotional, Psychological Issues: 2016 37.4% reported ever receiving professional psychological or mental health services – slightly greater than the 36.2% in 2014, 33.4% in 2012 and 30.7% in 2010 60-80% of those victimized in past year have received professional help at some point. About half of those who experienced trauma, emotional challenges received professional help Percent reporting receiving help increased with level of stress experienced (e.g., 14.3% of those reporting no stress vs. 68.2% of those reporting tremendous stress) 15.4% received psychological/mental health services from current college/university – up slightly from13.0% in 2014, 11.1% in 2012 and 9.9% in 2010 77.8% claimed they would consider seeking professional help if having a personal problem in future – up from 70.6% in 2014, 67.2% in 2012 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
Results Alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
% of Students Who Reported Using Various Substances: 2016 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
% of Students Who Used _____ 1+ Days in Past Month, by Year (2000-2016) 9% decline since 2000 0% change since 2000 70% decline since 2000 47% decline since 2000 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
Observations Males more likely than females to report smoking cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes, and marijuana, using smokeless tobacco; do not differ regarding drinking alcohol at least once in the month. Domestic students more likely than international students to report drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana; international students more likely to report smoking cigarettes but difference not significant. Those with lower GPAs more likely than those with higher GPAs to report having used nearly all the substances at least once in the previous month – alcohol is a noteworthy exception in that those with a B GPA were more likely to report drinking at least once in the past month than were those with A or C/D/F GPAs. Undergraduates were more likely than graduate students to report smoking cigarettes, cigars, tobacco from hookah, and marijuana, and more likely to report drinking alcohol and using smokeless tobacco. 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
% of Students Misusing Various Prescription Drugs in Past 12 Months: 2010-2016 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
% Drank 0, 1-2, or 3+ Days in Past Month: 2000-2016 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
Average Number Times Drank 5+ Drinks in Past Two Weeks: 2000-2016 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
Mean B.A.C. for Last Time Partied: 2000-2016 Legal Limit 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
% of Students Who Drink, Drive Who Drove After Drinking: 2000-2016 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
Percent of Students Who Drink Experiencing Adverse Outcomes From Drinking in Past Year: 2000-2016 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
Trends in Adverse Impact of Drinking on Academic Performance: 2000-2016 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
Results Sexual Health 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
Self-Reported Number Partners vs Self-Reported Number Partners vs. Perceived Number of ‘Typical’ Student: 2000-2016 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
Condom Use 42% reported oral sex in previous month (29% never) 4% of these used condom all or most of the time 46% reported vaginal intercourse in previous month (32% never) 53% of these used condom all or most of the time 5% reported anal intercourse in previous month (78% never) 28% of these used condom all or most of the time 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
% of Respondents Reporting Respondent or Partner Used Birth Control Last Time Had Vaginal Intercourse: 2016 (83% Of Those Having Intercourse) 2016 NCHA 9/23/2016
Results Weight, nutrition, and exercise 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
Vegetables Eaten Per Day Weight Status Based on BMI Servings of Fruits & Vegetables Eaten Per Day 2016 NCHA 9/23/2016
Exercise Behavior [30 min. moderate activity 5+ days/week OR 20 min. vigorous activity 3+ days/week OR equivalent combination (2 days mod. = 1 day vigorous)] 2016 NCHA 9/23/2016
# Days Restful Sleep in Past Week 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
Weight Status, Exercise, Nutrition, Sleep: 2000-2016 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
Results Vaccinations, Health Screening, Injury Prevention, Safety, Victimization 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
% of Students Receiving Health Screening, Vaccinations: 2010-2016 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
Percent of Students Always/(Most of time) Wearing Seatbelt/Helmets to Prevent Injury: 2016 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
Trends in Injury Prevention Behavior: 2000-2016 (Of those who participate) 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
How Safe Students Feel They Are On Campus, in the Community: 2016 2010-2016 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
% of Students Victimized in Various Ways in Past Year: 2016 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
% Victimized, by Type Act: 2010-2016 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
Results Health Information 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
% of Students Claiming Have Ever Received Information From MSU on Various Health-Related Topics: 2012-2016 2016 NCHA 9/23/2016
% of Students Interested in Receiving Information From MSU on Various Health-Related Topics: 2016 2016 NCHA 9/23/2016
Results Special Topics 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
Exposure to 2nd Hand Tobacco Smoke, Waste, Familiarity/Support for Tobacco-Free Campus Policy: 2016 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
Results Healthy Campus 2020 Status 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA
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Summary What we’ve covered What we haven’t Full report available at: Contact: Dr. Dennis Martell Contact: Dr. Larry Hembroff 9/23/2016 2016 NCHA