Destination Measures Data Share A brief guide to accessing data from the data sharing website Steve Harris Destination Measures, Performance Tables Development Unit
Destination Measures Data Share Destination measures data are available at student level by means of an annual data share with schools and colleges prior to publishing on Performance Tables. Careers and other similarly interested professionals in schools and colleges are not always aware that this data are available to download by the data manager in their institution. This is a brief guide to the destinations data sharing exercise and how to access your data. This data can only be accessed from the website by your registered data manager so you will need to know who it is and tell them you need the data.
Destination Measures Data Share The data share enables schools and colleges to access student level destination data for the 2014/15 cohorts going into 2015/16 destinations Covers both KS4 and 16-18 cohorts. The data sharing website will open on 3 July 2017 and remain open until the end of September (possibly longer) The website used is the same as for the Schools Checking Exercises. There will be a designated person at every school or college who will be the contact for all data checking and sharing – you will need to find out who that is in your institution. The following slides give examples of how the web pages may appear, there may be slight variations on the live pages.
Destination Measures Data Share Clicking on the link will take you to a landing page where there will be a number of links to access different data. This is the link for the Destination Measures data share page for that institution Clicking on the link will take you to a login page.
Destination Measures Data Share Clicking on the link takes you to a Login page accessible by your designated person. The login page will look similar to this.
Destination Measures Data Share From the login page you are taken to this data page for that institution.
Destination Measures Data Share Scroll down. Summary data is displayed for the institution. There may only be one table of summary data if the institution does not have a sixth form or is post 16 only. There may be other data if the school is part of a consortia. Dedicated mailbox for any queries about the data.
Destination Measures Data Share Scroll down. There are links to download student level data and guidance documents. KS4 pupil level download file 16 – 18 student level download file Guidance documents
Destination Measures Data Share Pupil level data is downloadable in CSV format and will provide full information on the identity of individual students and the destinations derived. Full guidance is available in downloadable documentation. The download file will contain the entire cohort and will look similar to this example.
Destination Measures Data Share Login queries should be directed to:- or 0845 3077867 Data queries should be directed to:-