Quick Fire Take a look at the chart of WWI deaths… Take a look at land and sea on this map. Make a prediction which side will win WWI. Explain your reasoning. Before the USA entered WWI, it was virtually a tie between the Central Powers and the Allied Powers. Based on this chart, why might the USA have tipped the balance in favor of the Allied Powers?
Quick Fire How might the use of the new airplane during WWI have changed the way wars are fought?
Daily Goals Content: Literacy: Social: We will understand the USA tipped the balance in favor of the Allied Powers in WWI We will understand why WWI is considered the first “modern war.” Literacy: We will use our book and work packet to participate in Tic-Attack-Toe as a section review. We will use this review to check our work on section 2 of our unit packet. Social: Raise hands and wait to be called on Stay on-task in teams Work with a reasonable level of noise Follow directions
Section #2 Wrap-up! We are going to play a game of Tic-Attack-Toe! Get out your unit packets. You should use this review to check your answers on pages 1-2. Everyone should grab a textbook and open to p. 578-586. The class will be divided into two teams. Try to get three in a row to win the round! Everyone will get a turn to answer a question.
Meet your teams! Team X: Team O: Are you talking to U.S.? What an In-Sultan!
1st Board: Tic-Attack-Toe! Go to Board #2 The Draft Americans in the War U.S. Shipping Modern Warfare End of WWI WWI Airplanes Who Served in WWI? U.S. Forces WWI Facts
2nd Board: Tic-Attack-Toe! Go to Board #1 The Draft Americans in the War U.S. Shipping Modern Warfare End of WWI WWI Airplanes Who Served in WWI? U.S. Forces WWI Facts
Question The U.S. needed to raise an army. Why were many members of Congress opposed to the draft? Reveal Answer!
Answer #1 Congress wanted to sign up volunteers before they started forcing people to join the military through the draft. Back to Game Board!
Question What was one of the main contributions of the American troops to the war? Reveal Answer!
Answer Back to Game Board! #4 The U.S. entry into the war brought fresh numbers, supplies, and enthusiasm to the Allied cause. Before the U.S. entry into the war, it was a virtual tie between the Allied Powers and the Central Powers. Back to Game Board!
Question What is the Convoy System? How did it cut U.S. shipping loses? Reveal Answer!
Answer #3 The Convoy system was where U.S. battleships escorted merchant ships across the Atlantic. It helped cut losses, because the battleships could protect the merchant ships against German submarine attacks. Back to Game Board!
Question WWI is known as the first “modern war.” What were the new weapons of war? Reveal Answer!
Answer Back to Game Board! #6A-E Machine Gun Tanks Airplanes Airships (Zeppelins) Observation Balloons Long Range Guns/Heavy Artillery Poison Gas Aerial Bombs/Torpedoes Submarines (U-boats) Back to Game Board!
Question Describe the end of the war and how/why it ended? Who abdicated (gave up the throne)? Reveal Answer!
Answer #9/10 Austria-Hungary surrendered. The German military rebelled against Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany. German Socialists took over the capital and setup a German republic, kicking the Kaiser out of Germany. Back to Game Board!
Question Who was America’s most celebrated flying ace (fighter pilot)? Reveal Answer!
Answer #8 Eddie Rickenbacker was a famous Racecar driver before the war. It Only takes 5 enemy planes to Become an “Ace.” Rickenbacker Downed at least 26 German Fighters. Back to Game Board!
Question How many women served in WWI for the USA? Reveal Answer!
Answer #16 16,000 women served. Most in non-combat roles, such as medics, nurses, cooks, and Red Cross. Back to Game Board!
Question Who was the U.S Commander of the American forces? Reveal Answer!
Answer #13 Gen. John “Blackjack” Pershing Back to Game Board!
Question How many U.S. men registered for the draft during WWI? Reveal Answer!
Answer #14 24 million! Back to Game Board!
Question Reveal Answer!
Answer Back to Game Board!
Question How was the WWI draft different from the Civil War draft? Reveal Answer!
Answer #2The Civil War draft included many groups not previously drafted, such as African-Americans. Back to Game Board!
Question The Americans entered the war: List the battles they participated in: Reveal Answer!
Answer #5A-F 3rd Battle of the Ypres, July-Nov. 1917 Cantigny, May 1918 Chateau-Thierry, June 1918 2nd Battle of the Marne, July-August 1918 St. Mihiel, Sept. 1918 Meuse-Argonne, Sept.-Nov. 1918 Back to Game Board!
Question What was an “interrupter?” Why was it invented for airplanes during WWI? Reveal Answer!
Answer #7 Plane propellers got in the way of gunfire. The interrupter timed the machine gun to fire between the rotating propeller blades. Back to Game Board!
Question WWI ended at a very memorable time. What was it? Reveal Answer!
Answer #11 WWI ended at the 11th hour, on the 11th day, of the 11th month, in 1918. 11:00, November 11, 1918 Back to Game Board!
Question Who was the most famous flying ace (fighter pilot) for the Germans during WWI? Reveal Answer!
Answer The Red Baron, after his bright red plane. He had 80 confirmed kills. He commanded a feared squad of top German fighters, known as the “Flying Circus.” Back to Game Board!
Question What was unique about the U.S. 369th Infantry Regiment? Reveal Answer!
Answer #17 Also known as the “Harlem Hellfighters,” they were an all-black combat regiment. They saw the most frontline action of any U.S. regiment in the war. Back to Game Board!
Question What was the nickname of American soldiers who fought in Europe during WWI? Reveal Answer!
Answer #12 Doughboys: Back to Game Board!
Question How many men were actually drafted by the USA during WWI? Reveal Answer!
Answer 3 million were drafted, 2 million saw action. The war ended before we could mobilize the last 1 million. Back to Game Board!
Question Besides the Convoy System, what else did the U.S. navy do to protect U.S. ships crossing the Atlantic? Reveal Answer!
Answer #3 The U.S. Navy helped lay an underwater minefield in the North Sea between Britain and Norway to prevent German submarines from breaking out into the Atlantic. Back to Game Board!