Welcome! Sign in and have a seat. Pizza club Welcome! Sign in and have a seat.
So how did this get started? Our first ever meeting (October 3rd, 2014) Our first meeting last year (September 22nd, 2015)
What we do
This semester’s (tentative) schedule 8/27/16 – Pieology 9/11/16 – Uncle Maddio’s 9/25/16 – Little Italy’s 10/9/16 – Shakey’s 10/23/16 – Cici’s 11/6/16 – Pizza Hut 12/4/16 - Pieology
Why should you join? Pizza Club Discount Card! 10% off at Mellow Mushroom, Little Italy’s, and Pieology 20% off at Johnny Brusco’s on University Valid as long as you’re a member **Note**: Membership is not required for restaurant meetings. Feel free to come with or without membership, and bring your friends!
Dues $10 Included: One semester of membership Pizza Club Member Discount Card $25 Included: Two semesters of membership Pizza Club Member Discount Card T-Shirt Two Options! Last year’s t-shirt design
Wrap-up Follow us on auinvolve for meeting updates **Note on rsvp’s**: RSVPing on auinvolve Is super important. we really, really need You to do this to make sure we have enough seats. Join our facebook group got questions? Come talk to one of the officers Or e-mail us at auburnpizzaclub@gmail.com
Thanks for coming!