Year 12 Subject Selection – Health and Human Development Picture??
Course Description Unit 3: Australia’s health in a globalised world Looks at health, wellbeing and illness as multidimensional, dynamic and subject to different interpretations and contexts. Students explore health and wellbeing as a global concept and take a broader approach to inquiry. Unit 4: Health and human development in a global context Looks at health and wellbeing and human development in a global context. Students use data to investigate health status and burden of disease in different countries, exploring factors that contribute to health inequalities between and within countries, including the physical, social and economic conditions in which people live.
Why Study this? Work Tasks Assessment tasks Unit 3: 2 x SAC’s Unit 4: Outcome 1 – 50 marks Outcome 2 – 50 marks Unit 4: Class work Chapter review questions Home work Group Activities Group Presentations
Subject pathway…. VCE Health and Human Development offers students a range of There are no prerequisites for entry into Units 1,2,and 3. Students must undertake Units 3 and 4 as a sequence. VCE Health and Human Development offers students a range of pathways including further formal study in areas such as health promotion, community health research and policy development, humanitarian aid work, allied health practices, education, and the health profession.
Extra activities/costs? Excursion to Melbourne for revision activity
More information…. Mrs Ann Clack