Impacting Saginaw County. For good. For ever. SM Thank you for inviting me to come and talk with you about the Saginaw Community Foundation. It’s funny how I was sitting in those exact seats last year as a SVAALTI participant. Its great to be able to come and present to you about how the community foundation helps to transform our community. [click]
t w a h is a community foundation? Let me start out and ask you what you think a community foundation is? Many times when people think of us, they think about the grants and scholarships we give out to the community foundation, which we do. But let’s dig a little deeper to see the entire picture. [click]
Our mission is to improve the quality of life in Saginaw County . The Saginaw Community Foundation is a tax-exempt public charity created by and for the people of Saginaw County. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for Saginaw County residents. So, now that you know what we are, the next logical question might be… What is different about a community foundation? What makes community foundations differ from other forms of giving? Well… [click] The Saginaw Community Foundation is a tax-exempt public charity created by and for the people of Saginaw County. Our mission is to improve the quality of life in Saginaw County .
A community foundation has three special features. A community foundation has three special features. I’d like to touch briefly on each… It is important to understand that its the combination of these features that makes community foundations stand out, and provides opportunities for donors and our community. [click]
o e n personalized service The first is personalized service. [click]
one Personalized service feature › Educate people on charitable giving vehicles › Customize giving approaches to match personal interests and tax planning needs › Share knowledge on community needs › Offer grantmaking expertise and administrative services › Help people create personal legacies via named funds › Provide the option to give anonymously Our community foundation provides personalized service that helps individuals and families achieve their charitable and financial goals by offering tools and resources that make giving easy, flexible and effective. Educate people on ways to give; we offer a variety of funds that appeal to different interests and needs. Some approaches focus on giving now, while others help donors make giving a part of their wills or estates. This also allows donors to benefit from tax advantages because we are a public charity. We pool the assets of funds that donors establish, invest it, and the interest earned is given back to the community. The initial gift remains untouched. Share our knowledge of community needs. Offer local grantmaking expertise and administrative services, which includes record keeping, reporting to the IRS, accounting and investment management. Help people create personal legacies via named funds (such as scholarships); help ensure that future generations learn the value of giving back. Through highly personalized services, we are able to create solutions that fit virtually every giver and every situation. [click] Creating solutions that fit every situation
t o w local expertise The second primary feature of community foundations is local expertise. [click]
two Local expertise feature › Local organization with local staff and board members › Knowledge of community issues, opportunities, and resources › Monitor all community needs… Arts and culture Economic development Education Environment Health Human services Recreation Community improvement The Saginaw Community Foundation has the local expertise to understand community challenges and knows how to address them. We are a local organization staffed by people from our community and led by a local board of directors that have an in-depth knowledge of the issues, opportunities and resources that shape our community. This enables them to play a key role in solving community problems, while helping donors learn more about local needs in order to make their giving as effective as possible. The community foundation monitors community needs in a variety of areas, including: Arts and culture Economic development Education Environment Health Human services Recreation Community improvement We have relationships with many local agencies and programs working for our community. Based on this relationship, we make grants and direct resources to the most appropriate areas. We stay alert to emerging issues and promote giving and volunteerism in our community, bringing groups of people together to work on solutions to community problems. That’s why we say that our community foundation can make a difference where it is needed most! [click] › Direct grants and resources to appropriate areas and local agencies Making a difference where it is needed most
e t r h community leadership The third feature I’d like to tell you about is the role our community foundation plays as a community leader. [click]
three Community leadership feature Our business is building community › Act as a community catalyst › Build endowments to ensure grants are always available to support the community › Support high impact opportunities › Are governed by leaders with strong ties to our community › Foster development of new organizations and programs › Re-direct funds as community needs change As a community leader, we play a key role in addressing community needs… now and in the future. We… Act as a community catalyst, bringing diverse voices and groups together to address local issues, and promoting greater giving and volunteering in our community. Build endowments to ensure grants are always available to support the community. Support high impact opportunities. Are governed by leaders with strong ties to our community. Lead and assist with development of new organizations and programs. And Re-direct funds as community needs change. It’s our business to build community. [click] Our business is building community
o e n t o w e t r h personalized service local expertise To sum up, your community foundation: Provides personalized service to donors Has deep local expertise And, acts as a community leader. [click] community leadership
A bit of background. Now I’d like to give you a little bit more background about our community foundation. [click]
facts 1984 1999 today A brief history SCF The Saginaw Community Foundation was established with an initial $50,000 gift from the Junior League of Saginaw Valley. The first grants totaled $2,000 to two agencies. 1999 Assets grow to $16 million. More than $612,000 granted to agencies offering broad spectrum of programs. today Almost $5 million awarded in grants and scholarships to-date. › Hundreds of generous donors › Dozens of agency endowment partners throughout Saginaw County
SCF facts Our mission The Saginaw Community Foundation has one mission: to enhance the quality of life for the Saginaw County Community. We accomplish this by: SERVING as a community leader and a resource for philanthropy. SUPPORTING a broad range of philanthropic programs and projects. HELPING people fulfill their charitable goals and objectives. BUILDING permanent endowments Because of this mission, we are always looking for individuals who want to connect and respond to the needs of the community. Whether that be raising a community issue that needs to be addressed, starting a fund that supports community needs, or joining a committee to support programs or projects, we welcome anyone that wants to join us we enhance the quality of life in Saginaw County.
Impacting Saginaw County. For good. For ever. SM I really appreciate you taking the time to learn more about us today. There’s so much more we’d like you to know… so we encourage you to visit our website or give us a call. Thank you and have a good day. To learn more about us, call (989) 755-0545 or visit