UK GridPP Tier-1/A Centre at CLRC Prototype Tier 1 centre for CERN LHC and FNAL experiments Tier A centre for SLAC BaBar experiment Testbed for EU DataGrid project Computing Farm The newly procured hardware consists of 4 racks holding 156 dual cpu PCs; a total of 312 1.4GHz Pentium III Tualatin cpus. Each box has 1GB of memory, a 40GB internal disk and 100Mb Ethernet connection. GridPP The Grid for UK Particle Physics Slogan: “From Web to Grid… exploiting the next IT revolution” First idea for a poster Background of data stream? Standard background for all GridPP posters. Standard logo and slogan.(or partsof slogon?) Poster emaulates web page? This one should illustrate central role of UK in worldwide collaboration. Emphasise middleware in handout/description? Other posters are: BaBar LHCb Query Optimisation Tier 1 - RAL Tier 2 – ScotGRID …others? 50TByte disk-based Mass Storage Unit The new 50TB mass storage unit is equipped with RAID5 disk management. Data is accessed through 26 Linux disk servers, each with a Gigabit Ethernet connection to the Tier-1/A Centre network Inside The Tape Robot The tape robot was recently upgraded and now uses 60GB STK 9940 tapes. It currently holds 45TB but will hold 330TB when full.
European DataGrid MiddleWare Middleware provides the interface between the applications and the physical computing, storage and network fabrics. HEP Apps EO Apps Bio Apps Applications Middleware Workload Management Fabric Management Data Management Information and Monitoring Services Mass Storage Management Network Services Globus Middleware Physical Fabric Networking Fabric Storage Element Computing Fabric Major UK Involvement Mass Storage Management The Storage Element provides a grid interface to diverse mass storage systems allowing remote access to data on both tape and disk. Network Services Network Services make use of existing monitoring tools to enable the publication of network metrics, from a Grid applications perspective, to the DataGrid middleware. Security CLRC is leading the Security Co-ordination group of the EU DataGrid project. An important part of Grid security is authentication via X.509 certificates. CLRC administers the UK eScience GRID Certificate Authority which issues certificates for GridPP users, machines and services. Information and Monitoring A new information and monitoring infrastructure is being developed: the Relational Grid Monitoring Architecture. It consists of consumers, producers and a directory service (the registry). Producers register with the registry and describe the type and structure of information they want to make available to the Grid. Consumers query the registry then contact the producer directly to obtain the relevant data. HEP Applications HEP application software is used to analyse very large volumes of data from particle physics experiments. It will use the grid middleware to manage the storage of data, and to control the submission of jobs. For more information