STEM Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths A STEM task can be: Integrated in a context or situation that has relevant explicit Science/Maths links A design situation that is an outcome/application of Science or Maths learning an Inquiry task a Design and Technologies focus, using the design process, can be an effective way to structure a STEM unit
Capabilities and C.C.Priorities How are these covered by D&T tasks? Ethics decision-making, considering the impacts of design, sustainability issues Critical and Creative Thinking very well covered through the design process Personal and Interpersonal managing time and materials, working collaboratively, safety and health Sustainability strong links through the Design and Technologies – Technologies and Society and contexts Aboriginal/Torres Straits Islander and Asian Context relevant links can be made in selected areas
resources General technologies Sustainability Scootle National STEM Centre UK - Design awareness in schools if you need the VCAA Curriculum guidelines (official VCAA position on all things related to the Victorian Curriculum Planning), go to the: F-10 Curriculum Planning and Reporting Guidelines 10CurriculumPlanningReporting.pdf Sustainability
makerspaces This is a great resource to have in a Primary school. It is: a space for exploring ideas and tinkering student-directed collaborative has lots of materials, equipment and space for construction it can be a space to integrate digital and design technologies (depending on the set-up and equipment) A makerspace can be in a classroom, library, shared space, or roving/portable It can be used to support classes, or as an extra-curricula space (lunchtimes and after school) A makerspace can be used to make links with your community Has a strong on-line community and resources In D&T tasks, it can be used to: explore and try out design ideas, try again when the first/second/third idea doesn’t work test solutions To cover the D&T curriculum, Makerspace time needs to be supported by design process activities, and may need some direction
design and technologies issues Covering all contexts engineering, food/fibre production, food, materials access to materials and equipment Covering the Cross Curriculum Priorities? Sustainability is ‘natural fit’ for the Technologies area – the other two areas may be much more difficult Shouldn’t be an ‘add on’ – should be relevant, authentic Time creating enough time to cover the content adequately (may require integrated learning situations) enough time to allow students to apply the design process division of Technologies time (into subjects and contexts) may not be ‘equal’ – some areas have much more content than others
what now? review your current curriculum develop D&T units that: identify Design and Technologies tasks/units that already exist Identify gaps – what aren’t you covering? Identify areas of your curriculum that might be applied, enriched and supported by a D&T task develop D&T units that: have a real-world situation/connection use the design process will help you to cover all of the contexts during each band trial and implement share your experiences and resources
ideas and case studies productive, indigenous Flintstone cars as part of an inquiry unit on ‘Simple Machines’ Inventions – creating something new to solve a need Planning your neighborhood – modelling layout, access to facilities, public transport, etc. Carrying – exploring fabrics Gardens productive, indigenous watering systems and program/rosters Alternative energy Solar – boats, vehicles and transport Wind, air (balloon powered) Space Mars One, Mars Rover, zero gravity food, products, sustaining life Simple electronics Matchbox bugs, torch